Coca Cola Declares Permanent Work From Home For All Indian Employees; Allowance For Chair, Internet!

Right since the onset of a nationwide lockdown and pandemic declaration, offices and workplaces have shifted their workstations remotely, enabling the Work from Home model.
We have incessantly been covering relaxations and compensations given by different organizations to their employees, so as to ensure a healthy mind and body for them, boosting employee spirit in times of pandemic.
In a similar move, today’s story is set on Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages’ (HCCB) work from home benefits and provisions rolled out for the total interest of its employees.
Coca-Cola’s Permanent Work from Home Policy
The work-from-home model has made many companies and organizations (majorly IT) decide that once the effect of the pandemic starts to reduce, there will be no compulsion of a large chunk of employees returning to office, ever.
Many companies like TCS have announced that post-pandemic, they will run permanent work-from-home for many employees.
Similar to this move, Coca-Cola introduced on Wednesday, an option for its employees to work from home permanently even post-pandemic, if their physical presence is not required in the office, according to a new policy.
The new policies drafted by the beverage company piggybacks on the best interest and care of its employees, believing these employees can choose to work remotely, if their presence is not absolutely needed at sites like factories, or at sales.
Coca-Cola’s New Policies Drafted by Employees
HHCB CHRO Indrajeet Sengupta states that the most unique feature of the new policy the company has released, is the fact that it has been co-created by their own colleagues, as they know the problems best.
“This policy is led by empathy and flexibility, ensuring employees and their dependents to feel safe and be at ease, regardless of their work location.
The idea is to provide a seamless experience that is meaningful both for the company as well as the employees. The situation is evolving and hence we remain open and flexible to any modifications that the policy may need.”, adds Sengupta.
Coca-Cola Providing all WFH Benefits to Employees
HCCB has claimed that as a part of the new policy, the company is dispatching ergonomic chairs from the office to eligible employees’ homes, on their request, while the ones working in different cities are given the option to purchase such chairs.
The company will also provide financial aid for installing power back-up options like UPS and bear expenses for monthly wifi subscriptions, in order to facilitate smooth workflow.
Employees can also avail of monetary support to purchase tables, headphones, lamps, webcam, external microphone, even a coffee mug or flower arrangement.
Sengupta also commented,
“To deal with physical and emotional challenges, the company has provisioned for telemedicine facility and wellness counselling through the organisation one-to-one help.
An app available for an easy download, managed by a chatbot, will continue to be used by employees to update the company on their health and wellness.”
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