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India’s best most creative Ad |Most popular Indian television advertisement
Need to reach rural Indian consumers? Think mobile advertising
Most of you are aware that India in the midst of mobile revolution. Mobile subscribers in India are growing at nearly 100% year on year and rural subscriber growth is taking lion’s share of it. Recently TRAI announced that India has…
Indian TV Ads: Is it worth spending Rs. 3,50,000 for 10 second?
The Indian advertising market has been growing at extremely fast pace since last 5 to 7 years, thanks to consistent economic growth of around 9% and huge rise in the number of Multinationals entering India in last few years. What better…
Do you know the Number One Brand in India?
According to the survey results published in Business Standard last month, Indian consumers have ranked Amul as the number 1 brand of the country.
Indian TV advertisements: Very Creative and funny?
If you are a regular reader of this blog you know my love Indian advertisements. Yes, they can get on your nerves sometimes, especially during cricket matches, but at the same time, some ads just amaze you with their creativity and…
The creativity of Indian advertisement at its best !
I have earlier featured couple of Indian advertisement which I rate very highly. Recently, I came across another advertisement, which I think is at par or even better than those of Happydent White, Fevicol and Airtel Ad.
Which is the most creative television advertisement in India till date ?
There is something I enjoy in India that most of the other people hate.
The Indian TV commercials.
I find them very very creative. Some of the best advertisements in recent years have been from Pepsi and Coke. The...