Indians Want 68% Work From Home Schedule; 30% Will Quit Job If WFH Ends!
An average of 23 percent of employed individuals across 29 countries reported that they are working from home more often now than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic, revealed by a new survey conducted by Ipsos in collaboration with the World Economic Forum.
New Survey About Working From Home
Between May 21 and June 4, the survey was conducted online with a total of 12,500 participants who are working adults.
As per the findings of the survey, 66 percent of participants believe that once the COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed, the employers will be more flexible about office attendance.
On the other hand, over 65 percent of employees think that they have been more productive with flexible schedules of working from home.
While, 64 percent of the participants hope to have adjustable hours spent at the office after the pandemic.
Reluctance For Working Away From Home
“These views are more prevalent among those with higher levels of education and income, women, younger adults, and parents of children under 18. On the other hand, about one-third each say that their home is a difficult place to be productive (38%); they feel disengaged from their work when working from home (37%), and they feel more burned out by work when they do so (33%),” as per the press release by Ipsos.
Further, the press release mentioned that “Three in ten (30%) say they would consider looking for another job given the same salary and responsibility if their employer expected them to work away from home full time. Those under the age of 35 and parents are more likely to say so,”.
Changing Paradigm Of Work Management
To be specific, the survey mainly highlights the changing paradigm of work arrangement preferences globally.
Further, the survey reveals that the average number of days workers would like to WFH post pandemic, in a five-day week is as high as 3.4 in India.
In the case of employees who are from countries like China, Belgium, and France only want to work from home for 1.9 days in a five-day workweek.
Press release added, “More than three in ten in Peru, Singapore, India, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia report working remotely more frequently, compared to only about one in ten in Russia, Japan, Poland, Hungary, China, and South Korea,”.
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