Women Better Investors than Men! [Infographic]
Now, I am sure you would be surprised by the title of this post. Just a cursory look at all the top investment experts would show that less than 10% constitute women, and yet in general they are the better investors of money and there is a reason to it. They take limited risks and play it safe as far as possible, while men do investments based on a whim or a “hot tip” they have got in the market.
Personally, I can’t attest this to be true or false, but the “Women Vs Men: Who is the better Investor” Infographic created by folks at rplan.co.uk definitely points to it. According to the stats, women generally take lower risk and their investment decisions are more rational.
I guess its time to hand over the investment reigns to female spouses…!
Suggested Reading on topic of Investments: Should the upper middle class Indian bother investing?