ISRO Bhuvan Full Review & Analysis


We have already written about ISRO Bhuvan, but were not able to give our reviews as we could not download the application yesterday. But, the site is up today and we were able to get our hands on ISRO Bhuvan.

Here is the complete review of much-hyped, much-talked-about ISRO Bhuvan:

As soon as I went to the site, the first thing I tried to look for was the download link, unfortunately, you cannot get your hands on Bhuvan so easily, you got to first fill up a registration form and create your username & password. Once you log-in you will be able to get the download link.

The download link mentions it as a plugin, which is surprisingly close to 11mb (a plugin that too 11mb!). Anyways, I downloaded and installed it.

It installs something called TerraExplorer, which I really did not know what it was – No mention of Bhuvan anywhere.


If you click on the link in TerraExplorer, it takes you to skyline site and asks you whether you want to browse any of the sites in USA or France. No Sign of India or Bhuvan – Completely confused at this point of time.

I tried opening Bhuvan website, thinking that the plugin might kick in, but unfortunately the application does not seem to support either Chrome or Firefox. The message on the website says:


First off, the site is extremely slow, does not load most of the times and is visible only in I.E 6 or above.

To top that, following are the system requirements for you to get Bhuvan working:

Minimum System Requirements: (check the spelling of minimum on Bhuvan site :))

  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista;CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz+ or AMD 2400xp+ ;System Memory (RAM): 512MB ; Hard Disk: 2GB free space ;Network Speed: 768 Kbits/sec; Graphics Card: 3D-capable with 32MB of VRAM; Screen: 1280×1024,32-bit True Color
  • To browse Bhuvan, you require the Bhuvan Plug-in which can be downloaded from this website, after registration and you will also need DirectX 9.0 or higher version ( and MS .NET framework 2.0 or above for installing the plug-in. Please note that the Bhuvan Plug-in can be installed with administrative privileges only.

I think with these system requirements, 80% of Indians are already eliminated.. who the hell has 768kb/s network speed at home?, along with host of other requirements.

Okay, after getting my way through everything else, I presume that if I load the Bhuvan site in Internet Explorer 8, I will finally have something to see… But thats not to be.

I wait for Bhuvan application (or plugin) to kick in for more than 15 mins and absolutely nothing happens.


Conclusion of ISRO Bhuvan: Forget competing with Google Earth, Bhuvan is a big farce !!!. They really need to get their act together. I am not sure what I was thinking when I said that Bhuvan could be a Google beater – Thats crap !!!!!

Note: I’d be happy if I am proven wrong. If a user like me could not use Bhuvan after struggling for 1 hour, I am not sure how many people can !

  1. […] Bhuvan, which has been hailed as better than Google Maps or any other virtual globe software, can provide detailed imaginary upto 10 meters; a feat which none of such GIS tools can provide. Just for information, Google Earth shows details upto 200 meters, whereas Wikimapia can show details upto 50 meters. Hence, a map provided by Bhuvan can provide a better aerial view compared to a chopper. […]

  2. Tejasvi says

    Its 4 years now,

    Any answer from those people who used to say, give them some time, its just beta! ? ;)

    Bottom line…

    Its like saying, Forget about competing, we cant even come close to you ever, because we are Indians we are like this only !

    All hype, no base :)

  3. Vamsi says

    Its 2012. It should be clear to every body by now what kind of org. ISRO is. Time to dismantle it and allow private participation. Looks like pictures were shot from Sputnik-1. I hope we never have to use missiles from DRDO, who know’s they would actually work.

  4. Muddassir says

    I downloaded, installed and logged on the bhuvan website and able to get the user interface like google earth. I saw many cities including hyderabad, mumbai, delhi but i doesnt zoom to 10 meters close…. google earth has much more zoom… even wikipedia is better than bhuvan… ISRO telling lie that bhuvan shows 10 meters pictures.

  5. Sambuddha says

    Amateurs are amateurs. Professionals are professionals. I believe that amidst the terabytes of RAM and Gigabytes of Network data transmission/second that ISRO scientists probably enjoy, they forgot about the harsh realities. They also involved third parties like TerraExplorer on the job. Google manages the largest search engine on earth, and we all know how that performs on the slowest of computers. ISRO should have thought twice before calling that press conference that has raised so much hype for nothing. [ I’d like to mention that I was feeling really proud as an Indian since I heard about ISRO Bhuvan, and went through exactly the same ordeal as described here. Now it’s flat ridiculous ]

  6. shabari nath says


  7. digs2120 says

    the best way of viewing bhuvan without addons is as follows

    1.login to bhuvan website in IE 6 or 8
    2. after login when the page starts loading at that same time stop the web page then u will going to view the bhuvan very fast as compared to any other things

    bhuvan has a very poor image quality but it has one good thing

    1.that is we can see villages clearly in bhuvan as compared to google earth and wikimaps also has census information of every state and village of our country

    3.this is an beta version of bhuvan wait for the better one it has an viewing distance of 10m

  8. Gopy Naga says

    It’s NOT ISRO’s FAULT because in India we always have someone who never accepts criticism, as we can see in some comments above, but praise everything that is Indian. They’re the one who let below-standard products flourish in India. They also sustain uncompetitiveness in the society and thereby dragging back India.

    Somehow I believe that Bhuvan would improve a lot latest by the year end, else better pack up the “borah” of ISRO scientists and export them to America or Europe as cheap labour.

  9. Raviprasad says

    as one of the user above said aftr entering into skyline terraexplor if i click on bhuvan the home page opens.again if i enter usrname nd passwrd it asks for download plugins,,,if i click on enter bhuvan in that page it goes back to previous home page.what the bulshit is this.can anyone teel me please???????

  10. Sanjeev Kumar says

    Shame on you. ISRO. Before vomitting out words TRY FOR YOURSELF.

  11. ISRO Bhuvan says

    Recently I visited bhuvan, the only issue I found is its poor performance.

  12. neel says

    and admin of this site should update the post of bhuvan review.he sud chk the latest bhuvan and immediately change the post against it.else he is spoiling his own country’s name…which is shameful.

    thats it

  13. neel says

    Bhuvan, which uses high-resolution images, will comply with India’s remote sensing data policy, which does not allow online mapping services to show sensitive locations such as military and nuclear installations.

    read the full security issue of bhuvan here :

  14. Poor Indian says

    Thanks a lot for the post!!!
    I am facing the same problem and getting irritated but one of my friend opened the site on the same day that is on 12th of Aug and was able to get a clear view from 10 meters, he was not asked for any downloads or registration also.And it doesnt seem that he was lying.
    May be the ISRO people are working on this and will get a resolution for the problem. Lets hope for the best.

  15. Raju Takla says

    Bilkul hi bakwas hai. Chutiya pandi hai. maine taqreeban 2 gante waste ko gholi mara jaye

  16. Ankur Vyas says

    Hey! Thanks for the post. check out a popular men’s entertainment web publication at and tell me what you think!

  17. gaurav says

    u people are talking bullshit…..those who r criticising “bhuvan” & ISRO r bullshits….how many of u hav contributed in developing anything of any sort which can b beneficial to our people and masses but u r criticising ISRO….our space organization…..r u all gone mad….indians hav an inferirity complex that’s y we hav been ruled by white people..for 300 years..we can never compare our govt organisationas to american or european organisations.

  18. Ratnakar Worker says

    Why should we proud? What we did ? did nothing.. but telling the world we gonna compete google… funny.

    We should say what we did. We should do what we want to say…

    Forget ISRO it doesnt have much experience in s/w. and no tie up with any s/w company. but still could produce some result that is enough..

    Let me ask one thing being s/w professionals what you people contributing to India?.. Why dont you people involve in this..


    If I were Google (Earth), I would be laughing my butt off by now. They probably ARE!

    Bhuvan is the proverbial camel being the horse designed by a committee. “Intuitive”, “user-friendly”, “simple” are not the hallmarks of this venture! The language of the text that is supposed to help a user is so convoluted and poorly worded, it is a shame!

    As the reviewer has already pointed out, a vast majority of us are left out by the technology alone. The language increases the size of that population!

    What a great opportunity to reach young school kids, if only they had TRIED! It’s always our students who get left out of most of this kind of (potentially cool) stuff!

    Instead of doing these things right and well to reach our students and teachers, we pass bills in parliament affirming the right to education!

    Again, as the reviewer has said, I too would like to be proved a naysayer. Bhuvan is a dud as it stands at this point. It has not worked on either firefox (my preferred browser) nor on IE (how i DESPISE that browser). In this day and age, optimising for one particular browser? Are they mad or what??

    “C’mon kids! There’s nothing here for us to see. Let’s go over to that Google thing over there.”

    — A concerned geography educator.

  20. Rony B Chandran says

    Can I run Bhuvan on Mac OS and Linux?
    No. At the moment Bhuvan can run only on windows system and is optimised for IE 6.
    Because it is a sambar of .NET, directX, Internut explorer and Windows. What I’m crying is… @#!%^%$#!T*&****#@!#^&… sitting in front of my machine running Linux and Mozilla Firefox, unable to see Bhuvan, WTF is system software requirements, are they saying that I’m a looser.. if there is no windows in my machine..? It is a shame to see the ISRO put up such a big thing ONLY for Microsoft customers. I’m definitely not proud of ISRO on this.

    The first thing to consider before puting something to the internet is; whether it is compatible with all common platforms and browsers which might be used across the world to access it. It is rude to say on the web that a particular browser or operating system is required to see your site. When it comes to a website of such massive attention (Bhuvan or anything ISRO) it is mandatory to hug this basic rule.

    ISRO… please shut the crap website down and save 1.1 billions Indians from this www shame. Also.. tie all those ‘MicroShaft dotNuts’ to a rocket and light up the tail :)

    Please read the rule number eight:


  21. Kuldeep Singh says

    Dear all,
    I think instead of praising the remarkable job done by our ISRO scientist, we are opssing it without giving a thought. Google map was not created in one day. Let us not forget that this site is not made keeping in view the commercial aspect. Cheers for ISRO staff!!!! Let us not forget – Counting begins with ZERO only.

  22. S V Ramanan says

    Dear All,

    Let us be proud of an organization which has quietly gone ahead and achieved many engineering feats with lot of constraints ( technology denials,sanctions,budgets etc.)
    ISRO scientists have achieved all this without having MNC salaries and perks !!
    BHUVAN is an example of technology by Indians for Indian needs.
    Give it some time maybe three months !!
    Let us not get into ISRO bashing based on inadequate knowledge about this great organization based on the visions of Giants like Vikram Sarabhai,Prof Satish Dhavan and others.

  23. shaju says

    congratulations to ISRO FOR BHUVAN…great work…

  24. Vivin says

    Hi all my Friends,

    I am not tech. guy, but after seeing all these comments except some, I want put a comment here, that both our country and government are made by us, so please be note that, your comments needs to construtive, and that should not by any ways discorage anybody, guys, if you can’t do much for the development of your nation, try to be a good ambasidor …. not like this.


  25. Asheesh says

    Kya System requirement di hai yaar, I don’t think more than 10% of us are using such configuration for internet purpose. They just made something without thinking anything.

  26. Mark says


  27. PRAVIN DALAL says

    BHUVAN is not working after log in & registration. It is like cheating Webviewers.

  28. Biren Kantharia says

    Relax guys… before cutting down Bhuvan please understand the process:

    The software release life cycle is composed of different stages that describe the stability of a piece of software and the amount as the development process proceeds.

    1) Pre alpha: developmental releases
    2) Alpha
    3) Beta
    4) Release Candidate i.e. gamma, delta
    5) RTM: Release to Manufacturing / Marketing
    6) General Availability

    Bhuvan is at the moment at Beta stage. It still has to undergo Gamma, RTM and GA. Give some time to ISRO guys. I am living in Canada and am very excited to know 10 meters zoom-in feature.

  29. Learner says

    All above people love India as much as any other Indian. These people I believe are just worried about the execution of this project. ISRO is a great organization no doubts. But have they tried to seek help even from some Amateur Indian Software professionals? Instead of opening this Beta project for public use they should have opened an online community with a sophisticated system for providing feedback (a forum?). There are many Indian techies who can help for free to improve this product. Indians want this country to grow; they are tired of Babus and brainless media.
    Can some people here take initiative and start an online community to provide feedback about Bhuvan? There are many free tools available online which can be used!!
    Let’s face the ground reality.

  30. Ankur says

    क्या भुवन ने अब काम करना शुरु कर दिया है? जब ठीक से काम करने लग जाये तो मुझे बता देना, तब तक मैं अपने देशवासियों की तरह सोने जा रहा हुँ। ठीक है ना?

    हमारी नाक कटा दी ISRO ने। कुछ तो शर्म करो, अब तो उस ‘भुवन’ नाम की चीज को ठीक से चलाओ!!!

  31. jayesh patel says

    this is nothing but the bull-shit creation of stupid indian and who is thinking about compition of google earth thay are fool and time when you launch some thing like htis please bust your balls and work your ass off so people like us can have access eaisely.

  32. Amature Astronomer says

    Please let me know If you are not aware what is Beta-Version of a software…?

    Its better to give comments on ISRO website… and ask exactly what improvement you want…. This will give moto to our developers to enhance BHUVAN.

    Be a good Indian…. and love your country..!!

  33. Amature Astronomer says

    I am upset.. not because of Launch of Bhuvan but because of our own country people.
    How a person can say anything bad about our own stuffs. I read all the comments and I support Mr. Sai R. Prasad. Atleast we should PROUD ISRO for taking this type of action.

    Tell me which country other than INDIA took effort to make such product after Google Earth. Why you people dont believe yourself..?

    And who told … that ISRO said its better than Google Earth.. !!!

    How much you people know about ISRO ..? and what you people know about computers I really dont know… Simply download and install and start playing 2-3 hours… this much ..?

    I also faced same issue… but I beliece my country .. and ISRO. I tried again and again.. and I got the best results… It worked for me pretty well.. yes some resolution issues were there … I agreed…

    But my heart is really crying and and I am feeling shame … because of our own people.. Dont believe youe country … Go to hell….. I believe My INDIA. I Love My INDIA and I believe my scientists… I believe ISRO… One day we will win and then you people will not have courage to face us…

  34. Indian says

    those who are telling a BHUVAN is a CRAP from you.. Shame on you people…
    Do u people rememeber in olden days.. everybody use to book the trunk cal and wait for our turn.. who eliminated those days thats the ISRO MAN. IF you people are making a comment and it is submitting here within a fraction of second.. and in the backend it relys on satelite that is made by ISRO in india

    Don’t no anything about ISRO and simply commenting on them..
    first think about which ORgnisation you people are talking about.. as you people are techi guys what the hell upto today you are doing.. check in check out.. chit chat.. go for coffee.. take some 5figure salary and enjoy the weekend in some pass maal.. that do making a comment what a CRAP from ISRO.. you are crap and what the work you people are doing is crap…
    We are proud of ISRO-BHUVAN.. first understand what is Beta version then talk … IF you cannot motivate them then keep quite don’t demotivate them.. We are proud of BHUVAN.. and his mother ISRO..

    1. SANJEEV KUMAR says


  35. Arjun says

    absolutely pathetic this bhuvan..they r claiming that the site is fast but its actually opposite of that…very much slow and no sign of any 3d images..3d images to dur ki batein hai, they cant provide us a clean imeages of any cities. this is a worst apllication. google earth is far far better than it. so they need to try to improve, not to advertise it a as a better application than google earth

  36. Rahul P N says

    That was a premature release by ISRO. Ithink they would hav outsourced the work with entire data to some good website managing organization… Im trying to see a place in Bhuvan, but only thing I can see is a small Black&White globe… Expects a good quality stuff from our prestigeous space organization…

  37. kuld33p says

    Thats what I have been trying to say.. but people are not understanding it. and I told about it way before even Buvan was launched..

  38. pankaj says

    lol!!! many of the people here r using the terraexplorer to browse …n they criticize isro…..i dnt know y they have terra explorer …but guys bhuvan can be accessed by simply logging in IE6 or above after u downloaded the plugin …….n yeah i know there is a lot to improve…..but i find the resolution quite good …well more than good to the city level ….n its okay at the street level too!!! n guys …google earth also gives the resolution to street level only…..n it is there for few years now… try out the beta version …..n wait for the final product to release …n if thts not worthy then comment about the FAILUIRE!!!…..i am a beta tester of WINDOWS 7 !!! n u won’t beleive that it is pathetic if u would have used it in the early 7000 builds…. n thts frm MICROSOFT’s biggest software just wait for the final product…keep patience…n yeah final product got about 8-10 mnths to release they got huge time to make this product better ……. n rocket scientists are far brighter than google developers …so i bet u all …we’ll get a gem product frm them in the end

  39. vip says

    whare is Bhuvan Earth ?
    I have got Terra !!!
    No Bhuvan , No India !!!

  40. mmm says

    What a shame. I am just wondering. This is the first project that is available to public scrutiny and this proove to be a hoax. A total shit product in terms of quality. Resolution is pathatic. This has just raised doubts in my mind. how is the quality of other project? moon mission, earth mission, etc. Media says that they are doing us proud. But none of us have seen these tings really (we just read about them in media). may be we dont know but even the other projects from ISRO are far from what we have been thinking them to be till now. Shame on ISRO.


  41. sam says

    well,it`s better than u think folks…..just use ur brain to download the correct plugin and get access to bhuvan….
    The application is great when u use a system of good configuration.
    the only disadvantage now is that it is slow…



  43. hardik dedhia says

    When you install the plugin, at the end of it all, there’s an icon for TERRA EXPLORER that comes up on our desktop.
    Click it open, on top, you’ll see FILE, go there and then just open the file which came in for me by default. Then on, there’s a Globe. n there on you can go to India. Happy browsing.

  44. Kalyan says

    Dear All,

    Let us give a chance them,We are very proud to ISRO taken this step.In future they will work on this.

  45. abraham says



  46. Ajit says

    pls watch it

    if a govt. org. progressing we should contribute for that… come on.. it your country… think before giving negative feedback… It’ll take time.. now we have infrastructure… adequate money in the backend… we have brain power… let them work in there own way… the people seating behind the bhuvan are engineers from the general colleges… still they are much better than us who passed out from IIT/RECs/NIT and didn’t joined the govt. org because of money… I am with them… I am ready to join ISRO… pride of the nation always comes before anything else… Good Job Done by ISRO… good carry own… We are with you…!

  47. Nithin says

    As usual we Indians are over the top in criticizing whenever we have something made by Indians. I wonder what would be reaction if the same thing was developed by some American company.
    Can the writers remember what was the image quality when Google Earth first came out.
    For starters this is a beta version. Terra Explorer plugin for the browser is required to view it.It same clearly on the site PLUGIN. Just like Flash.
    Every time you log in it say new images are added. As usual we Indians want everything from day one.
    ISRO is not a kid org. It’s satellites can take images with sub metre resolution. They could take read street numbers of American streets with their satellite images back n 2001.
    Have some patience.ISRO is not a software company like Google where they can have it displayed in HTML 5. There is a reason it is called beta.
    As usual the stupid media calls it Google killer and we religious follows our idiot media.

  48. Human Leader says

    Haha!!! You are all some of the pioneer persons to challenge our Indian govt. (cover-n-mean’s) services. However, wish you all happy Independence Day. Jai Hind!!!

  49. Anurag Upadhyay says

    To all who failed to use Bhuvan,Visit Wikipedia,read article about Bhuvan and especially about its errors.It will surely help you.I am having a speed of 16 kilobytes per sec. and even i also saw a good view through Bhuvan.It is a good software and will take time to get more user friendly

  50. Rashmi Ranjan Biswal says

    I am confused that how ISRO declair that it would beat Google Earth.I have wasted completely 3 hr on Bhuvan but got nothing clear picture.

  51. shirish says

    Hi there,
    While I’ll not be able to see bhuvan due to the ‘minimum’ site requirements afa Terraexplorer is concerned, I looked up their site and they have something for windoze users. . They should do something more for other platformers as well as other browsers as well.

    Bhuvan needs also to do some plugin work which I guess they’ll do in due course. As of this time they are using third-party services. Only time will really tell. This right now, seems to be a testing phase.

  52. Brahmaji says

    Hai, Being a Software Engineer I understand in what phase Bhuvan is in. A software that ‘we’ develop goes through many stages of development before final version is released. I believe Bhuvan is at the ‘β testing phase’ where users get a hands on experiance on the web site and provide feedbacks (which are considered as bugs or enhancements). Now based on these feed backs, ‘we’ prioritise them (the feedbacks) and try to implement them in the future releases. This process continues for quite some time until fewer or no feedbacks are recieved from the users. Then final release is made. I have known ISRO scientists since child-hood (Being the son of an ISRO scientist myself). They are just unique! Brilliant in their field. I would like to congratulate ISRO for their successful launch of Bhuvan – β. Now it is our turn to improve the website for our own use. I request all the users to provide invaluable feedback for the improvement of the website and make it as good as or better than its rival Google Earth.

  53. Desi says

    Seeing the ridiculous comments of posters above I am compelled to respond.
    Even a porki does not criticize India so much. God forbid, if some country attacks us, our military has to use ISRO developed satellites for all sorts of communications and navigations (flights, cruise missiles, ships etc) trying to keep ur butt safe and cozy. Try commenting abt ISRO scientists then.
    With little tax payers money and of which again a considerable portion of amount going into black holes, this is an achievement. Even people who can’t make proper statements r finding extra zeal in criticising india. It came out just now, is still a BETA and there have been no versions. Give it some time before u grill it. I agree with what someone said “Google Earth Beater is probably a media coined term”.

  54. mahendra pawar says


    remember google earth,when 1st time it appeared on internet. yeAH, it was same and much poorer then bhuvan. at least bhuvan stands somewhere. on its own. remember, it is a ISRO, who has many jobs. launching satellite, global warming, and they took another initiative of bhuvan. at least thy r making us proud. think from bottom level of your knowledge but, don’t think it like illiterate.i would lik to say in last, i have patients to see more from isro the esteem organization who launched many rockets without failure, or crash.thanks ISRO.

  55. Rajesh Dhakarwal says

    Wish you a very happy independence day.

  56. Sai R. Prasad says

    I have not yet downloaded or tried Bhuvan. Wanted to read the reviews before doing so.

    But amazed to see so many people ( and that too – Indians ! ) criticising ISRO ! Did ISRO say that Bhuvan is a ” Google Beater ” ? No ! It is the Morons in the media, who coined that term without even verifying the trials of the product. And just because some idiot in some media has written some stupid term, all the critics seem to go bombastic.

    May I remind all the fools who are abusing ISRO, that the organisation has done us proud in the field of rocket science. It is one of the seven organisations in the world capable of putting up a satellite and now shortly sending a rocket to the moon. These are brilliant men and women. Maybe geniuses. Instead of being critical of their efforts, let us interact and motivate them, by giving them helpful suggestions.

    All the lickers of Western Technology and Google can go to hell. This is India and ISRO is our pride. How dare some idiot says ” Shame on ISRO ” ? Does this little piece of s**t think that he or she is an American. Such pathetic little ar****les should be beaten with slippers !

    Lay off ISRO and motivate them – Indians. Dont become armchair critics so soon.


  57. ari says


  58. ari says


  59. ari says


  60. priyanka says

    bhuvan is just a waste…..
    itz nt workin…. atleast google earth work properly…
    dere is sum terra thing downloaded
    in which 1 cn explore frence n us….
    bt delhi…. ah 4get delhi bt india is no where…..
    BHUVAN is a piece of crap

  61. Abhigya Verma says

    I have downloaded the plugin and it seems to work fine. The level of detail and the data associated right upto the village level is right up there. If the API is available it opens up a host of possibilities. And before criticizing ISRO guys look at your self. Those are the some of the brightest people we have and have made India proud much more than any of us. Dont expect rocket scientists to deliver a totally polished product.
    For crying out loud those are the guys who put India on the moon while all some losers can do criticize them.

  62. onnlist says

    Its good that ISRO is working on project such as Bhuvan … but what they really need is to collaborate with team of talented Indians; and with the help of some caffeine and young talent, I am sure ISRO can build much better product than what they have online right now.

  63. Amol says

    Even the city borders are not upto the mark and they claim that its going to beat Google at this resolution? No ways. Just forget it.
    It will take 10 years to reach Google’s technology. First come up with something worth and then claim that we are beating Google. Sorry ISRO but you need a lot of efforts to come up with one of the best solutions.


  64. Abhishek Sharma says

    Hey Guyz…. Its still the Beta version. Why dont you understand that. It works just fine for me except that there are no annotations and the resolution is not good.
    However its the first effort of its kind from an Indian organization. So every Indian should be proud of it and encourage ISRO to improve it.

    Common guyz, stop complaining !! Give your feedback to ISRO. I am sure they will improve upon it.

  65. Sarath says

    What the bull shit u r talking about..
    From my experience Bhuvan is a great work from ISRO.All the local information along with the geography of ur place is available with a mouse click.The real time 3D terrain rendering is excellent.I agree ,the resolution is poor now.But think this is only a Beta version and there is lot to improve.I bet within a year and half Bhuvan will be a major tool for city planning and resource management.

  66. dragonzx says

    I had exactly the same problem and it baffled me completely. Thought Bhuvan was something to boast about…..but sadly it was a big let down.

  67. Uma says

    Bhuvan is total waste of time. The resolution is not good. The site is so slow.

  68. neo says

    Why the registration is needed when ISRO do not bother to confirm email id? Why my organisation, occupation, address is needed?

    So far user name is concerned, it is case sensitive. I tried ‘neo’ and I got the message it is already taken. I tried ‘Neo’ and I got it!

    For the person in cyber cafe, Bhuvan is useless. It ask to download plug ins with admin privilage. I can download ‘Google Earth’ without any such idiotic thing. As time was running out, I left cyber cafe (Normally I use mobile to access net.). Tomorrow, I will have to talk to cyber cafe owner. But on second thought, after reading revies I will not waste time.

    Russian spacecraft Luna-2 reached to moon in 1959 and Chandrayaan-1 in 2009.

    So, to all the readers – Try “Bhuvan” after 50 years.

  69. Sanjeev says

    I tried to download it and install it . It took around 10-15 minutes. If you guys are not liking it then why you are struggling to install it. Blame media not ISRO for your expectations . ISRO didn’t tell you to give a try.I must say Indians can not think of themselves as they aslo can do wonders but they always look to the others.
    Somebody said govt. babus are trying to do something.If you feel govt babus are not capable of doing anything then get into the system and correct it, hopelessly you can’t do anything rather than criticism.
    Bhuvan is not made for your general use like google earth. It’s a real time Software application where usability has been ignored. Get all requirements in your system and try if you want to try and if it does not work then blame ISRO. Images quality is better than google earth although user interface is not user friendly.

    Dell R&D, Bangalore

  70. pmj says

    if these are the images which Indian satellites than i seriously doubt results on ‘CHANDRAYAN’

  71. shiv says

    dear friends,
    I feel shame on those people who shame on ISRO. It is india on 6th number who has touched moon. also India is a world leader in the remote sensing data market. The ISRO developed microprocessor Vikram is faster than what is being used till date. And many more have already come from ISRO only. What else you need fron ISRO only after 62 years of freedom (after 100s year of slavery). Before making comment agaist ISRO, think 1000 times. it is not just ISRO but my own ISRO and I m proud of it. Jai Hind.

  72. Motherland says

    This is in Beta stage. This is one of the 1st attempts to provide usable information for India by the Indian government. A million mile journey begins with a single step.
    You will not have seen a nation of a BILLION people testing a product in Beta -be it from Google or MSFT or others…..this is INDIA and everybody (in India and every Indian abroad) with an Internet connection wants to download and test the service…Give it some time, ISRO, if they have the right intention -has sufficient budget to setup a world class server farm to host Bhuvan. Googleplex was not born on day 1. Even the mighty MSFT has tough time warding off google’s might.

    If you are ashamed with this product, go and take a walk. if you cannot write a word of encouragement, then why waste time -Party Pooper.

  73. gp says

    another half hearted attempt by govt babus ………….why they wasting public money rather they waste /use their time on copying cryogenic engine designs from russia

  74. Yashas says

    Resolution of the Images are too low and on top of that dosent work in Mozilla Firefox

  75. learner says

    Indian media and departments are so fu**ed up. They hardly think before saying and doing anything. Bhuvan is crap like most of their projects. Good luck for ISRO. they will take at least 100 more years to compete google, which anyway they don’t need to.

    Have these people ever heard about planning and being systematic?

  76. Shantanu says

    India has a long way to go before we can even think we are somewhere near US or China. But none the less it was a good try to at least come up with its own internet maps systems

  77. rabi gupta says

    pleading here gives a better chance of being heard than going to ISRO site and submitting any feedback. I’m sure they r not going to read any one of ‘m :-D!

  78. Manish says

    Guyz Chill! Its not that bad.

    I find bhuvan fast and great!
    I m sure it would be someday billion times better than google earth

  79. Arindam says

    Hi ISRO,
    I didnt find the head nor the tail of Bhuvan ,where it is?.Dont let us down,Do it & sure u can.

  80. shashi says

    hello friends,
    the same happened to me when i tried. i have been trying to download it but i didnt get any clue… whts going wrong with ISRO… They dont provided any link to Bhuavan or they dont even released link and downloading process related info. forget that, they are not bothered about the users feedback also…
    pity ISRO..

  81. Raju says

    Its Beta version it will take some time to take its shape. Dont be disappointed. need some more time to correct it. its the first time they are doing so we need not be too harsh on ISRO.

  82. kshitij says

    Give it some time, it is still beta phase!! And I am sure it was media who coined the “google beater” term, any way if it starts working it will be more resourceful for india than google.

    And the guy with “shame on ISRO” comment, website failure (that too in BETA phase) does not tag ISRO as failed organization.

  83. biswaranjan samantaray says

    Dear Sir ,

    I am very much delighted that atleast we have a softwire like this where we can acess to our own which was not there till yesterday.
    I am proud to be an INDIAN having this new addition , they can tell good or bad but can not ignore that we donot have .

    Thanking you.


  84. sunil v says

    Pls ,this is no google beater,first the site is extremely unprofessional,simple asp “hello world app”.and the resolution is far from 10 meters.Hope these guys get their act together after they release the full version.Remember guys this is just beta,but i understand we expect more from a indian software (With IT Giants)

  85. Rajesh Dhakarwal says

    Its great disappointment, after waiting so long, overcoming the initial hurdles of downloading the third party plug-ins, the resolution is far inferior to that of Google Earth. It was a total waste of time and energy. Is it ISRO product ??

  86. Srinivasa says

    It’s a beta…it will have problems….they mention it..its a browser related product you have to register n download the plugin and login to view the map…so right now the resolution is not perfect…I am not happy with the product yet…but its a start

  87. Kabutar says

    Kya bakwaas chizz hai yeh…works only with IE ,then it uses skyline technologies for software purpose .Third class product from ISRO .Google Earth ki Jai Hoo.They shoudn’t lacuhed this thing without even getting closer to Google earth in first step .

    It isn’t even close google map .Not even 10 % .Made by an Indian doesn’t really mean to appretiate everything that Indians make .

    I hope ISRO does something or else all the hype will be gone and not body will use it any more (as it is useless right now )

  88. sudhakar says

    why not lauching such type of such projects?
    wait Mr.

  89. sudhakar says

    I agree with Athreya’s comment

  90. Bipin V says

    All fart & no crap.

    Forget 10 m resolution. India is seen as if i have lost my spectacles

    I dont know why Gov launches such projects.
    & news media announces them without actually knowing the facts I think they should be sued

  91. Athreya says

    We Indian’s never change , we love to use neighbor countries services and like to depend on others.
    Why don’t we wait for some more time, It’s just released yesterday and also its in BETA version. People who understand about BETA version won’t comment like this.
    Lets encourage our government.
    And one of my friend wrote a word “Shame on ISRO”, My friend what do you know about ISRO to comment like this.
    One user tried it and commented negatively and rest of others followed it! Crazy.
    Being Indians, guys feel shame to comment negative about our own country. Think twice before you comment.

    1. karthik says

      ya i do agree wid dat……….
      just ignore dat kind of people………… dey dont kno wat is ISRO n its success rate.

  92. Vijay says

    har har har competing with Google???????? You cant compete even with a small family owned software company man. With a pathetic website that goes down when more than 100 persons try to access it… biggest shitload of bullcrap. ISRO you suck for you cant even provide naive news reporters a copy of academically proper announcement.

  93. shubhanshu says

    BHUVAN is totally “RUBBISH” dont expect anything from isro they are good for nothing like any other government department , google beater ha ha ha !!!

  94. rickey says

    ekdum bakwaas ……BHUVAN

  95. Rakesh Kumar says

    I was anticipating that this must be something good, but was not able to see any thing. The format of registration is also not proper, where they have to provide icon for register, they have provide for rest. I was thinking that we Indians are so called best in software development, and hence BHUVAN could be something great. But this is really a web site, which does not provide any thing for which it is known.

  96. Suresh Upadhyay says

    It is big pain in the ***. Damn it.
    I am not surpised at all. Like all other Govt ventures BHUVAN is a big flop.
    These ISRO loud mouths claim it bigger than Google Earth.
    My foot !

    1. karthik says

      it is not flop…….its is a big success, ppl like u cant understand it.
      even google earth has faced some problems wen it was launched.
      wait for some time den u can understand abt BHUVAN n also abt ISRO.

      1. Sameer Pal Singh says

        It is already released by Government and there is hell lot of issues…
        1. It makes your system slow.
        2. need to download some plugin
        3. How to download not properly given.
        4. Sites itself is not always in working condition. It gives ASP ODBC errors.
        5. It must be tested before release and we can see what they have tested.

        Google when first released the Google Earth, it was not pathetic. Only it was having less data or data covering only US but very well tested.

  97. Abhi says

    Chill out guys…give it some time. Its still in beta phase and I am pretty sure that the ‘google beater’ phrase has been coined by the media.One of the user above has provided a link for posting feedback.Lets try that out.

  98. ashok reddy says

    Shame on ISRO. They kept everything secret where this site leads like the secret of isro rockets. People thought ISRO is more professional than any other govt departments and it proved otherwise. Better we go to google earth though the images are as old as 10 to 15 years.

    1. karthik says

      hi ashok,
      u shouldn’t say like dat, u should feel pride for ISRO. dey will make it better than google earth, offcourse it takes some time. google earth also faced perfomance issues wen it launched. it happened with so many new softwares.

  99. jitendra says

    it’s to much, I tries not less then 10 times to install and run bhuvan.
    I consum a full day for it use all my experience but result “0”
    Ram bharose goverment’s site

  100. Siddhant says


    Thanks for your review. But I would like ask you to change your blog as the site is working perfectly and really fast now. As it happens when new service is launched sites are crashed. It happened with UK Govt’s Swine Flu service last month.

    1. Arun Prabhudesai says

      Like I said, I would love to be proven otherwise, but, even now I am not able to view it on FF, Chrome or even IE8 !!!

      1. ahmed says

        perfectly true,i’m still tryin since yesterday but the site just doesn’t open..
        opened once though and even reached the globe but that was it.. no zoom in as the link got broken..
        God knows when will they…

        1. Parmar says

          Arun, Please help in viewing. Its almost two days and nowhere near to see exact position. It goes till city in further zooming. were you able to do it, if yes please write down the procedure. I am waiting since last two hours.

  101. Bidhan says

    After spending almost the whole day, I discover that I am in nowhere – swarg (heaven), marta (Bhuvan) or patal (hell). Is it really Indian made google challenging satellite view of the whole world? There is no smell of India or Bhuvan in the web site- Terra Explorer. You can see only the selected cities. You can move around India, but can’t zoom on anywhere. It is not at all user friendly.

  102. Amruthapani says

    Friends !
    Kindly visit the site

    I think we can give the feedback directly to the ISRO employees for better improvement of of INDIAN space image portal. Let us encourage ISRO officials


    1. Need to Know says

      Did you see that the feedback page also does not work here like any other
      Govt sites. It throws a nasty ODBC connection errror. Also it seems the ASP code is not compiled properly hence it gives a syntax error as you submit your feedback.

      Hope someday the Govt will come up with better service and products for we poor Indians.

  103. Ramanan Radhakrishnan says

    I share the same opinions. For all the promise of a resolution of 10 metres and 3D, Bhuvan does not even match the resolution provided by Google Earth. Whilst Google has now high resolution images of almost all small towns, Bhuvan does not even provide a decent satellite image of Indian Capital.

    I agree it is a starting point. But then why all the tall claims of going to beat Google?

  104. mdanuz says

    ha ha ha expected that , tried for few minutes and gave up,can never trust these government sites.Look at Indian railways site, they boast of making million dollar profit and the site is filled with crap.

  105. indian says

    bhuvan is pathetic……
    I could even log in —it is just too slow…….in other words……
    It is just bullshit………

  106. vimal says

    am also having the same problem..
    and its 768 k bits , not kbytes..

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