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Gender Equality: Where do Indian women stand [MasterCard Report]
TIME Magazine, Forbes Magazine, The Economist and other such prestigious publications have year after year covered lists on the lines of Top 100 Influential Persons or Top 50 Women in Business. And the results have often carried the names…
ISRO Bhuvan Full Review & Analysis
We have already written about ISRO Bhuvan, but were not able to give our reviews as we could not download the application yesterday. But, the site is up today and we were able to get our hands on ISRO Bhuvan. Here is the complete review of…
Media Monday: Mobile TV Explained
There have been lot of questions I have come across recently regarding Mobile TV, so thought it would be a good time to let our readers to know more about it. What is Mobile TV? Mobile TV is a service which allows cell phone owners to…
The paradox of alternative energy
Alternative energy is any energy that does not depend on oil of middle east. That seems to be the apt description. It could be Solar, Wind, Nuclear, Bio-Fuel and everything else in your imagination except oil
In his book "Hot, Flat and…
Want to see a $100 billion note?
Are we going nuts over India’s inflation touching 11.5%?
Think about a country where the inflation is 2.2 million percent. Yes, that’s right Zimbabwe’s inflation has risen from 165,000% in February to whooping 2.2 million. Can you…
World’s most influential Consultant: Ram Charan
I was spellbounded when I read this story on CNN money about Ram Charan. His name might give a very different impression, but this professor turned he freelance consultant is world's most influential and probably has access to most…
India and China crowned the most corrupted countries in the world
However, both these South Asian countries are facing tremendous growth hurdle in form of corruption. According to the Bribe Payers Index released by Transparency International, India and China have highest amount of corruption amongst the…
Top 25 Indian Medical Colleges of 2007
This weekend is giving readers overdose of Top Lists and why not I guess it has become kind of tradition to publish Top lists here. If you want to see any, leave a comment and I will aggregate it for you.
Previously, on this blog…
Top 20 Business facts you should know about India
I publish these lists from time to time. They serve as a quick reference points and enhance individuals knowledge to a large extent.
Some of the earlier lists that have been published here on Trakin are:
15 little known facts about India…
Indian Web2.0 Travel Portals: Comparative Analysis of Air fare search
It is difficult to judge or come to a conclusion based on just one search across multiple sites. However, from this particular experiment, it seems that Yatra has the best search algorithm and found the best deal and that too with a…
15 little known facts about India
The Indian economy is finally overcoming some of the obstacles that have traditionally been cumbersome to growth and today, India's economic growth rate is among the fastest in the world, based largely on a flair for information technology…
India’s Internet usage lowest in Asia – Google scores lowly
ComScore, a leader in providing consumer insight behavior reports and research has for the first time come out with a comprehensive review of Internet behavior covering 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The ComScore report revealed…
What is the average earnings of a Non Resident Indian ?
I was very surprised to see the survey published Juxt Consultant on Non Resident Indians. The survey gave details on the earnings of Indians based abroad (Non Resident Indians). The people covered were mostly residents in UK, US...
Top 200 list of H1B employers in the world !
Unsurprisingly, the Indian outsourcing dominate the list- In a Big Way ! Out of the top 5 companies, 4 of them from India. The only exception being Microsoft Corporation. The other significant US companies are IBM and Oracle who come 8th…
New 7 Wonders of the World: Scam to make millions of profit !
Even with all this background, I had not doubt that Taj Mahal would be in Top 5 if not top 3, purely based on the population we have. But I guess, I was wrong. If you think deeper, you will realize that although we have a huge population,…
Indian Purchasing Power Parity to overtake Japan by 2025
At current growth rate, India’s Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is set to overtake Japan by 2025 to rank third only after US and China. This prediction came from none other than Governor of BoJ (Bank of Japan), Toshihiko Fukui.
The Corrupt legal system of India – Facts and figures.
I just read the news on Rediff today about corruption in India’s legal system. I have spoken about it in length in this post that is part of Key Success factors for doing business in India- 30 part...
India and China population – A blessing in disguise ?
Note: This is the 4th post in the 30 part series that I am doing on Key success factors for doing business in India - A 30 part series !, that I plan to do over next month.
India and...
Doing business in India: Key success factors – A 30 part series !
There are several articles on the the web giving information on how to do business in India. However, in most cases I have found that the information concentrates on only one or two areas or either are too generic. So I am going to attempt…
Which is the most business friendly city in India ?
The report also compares business regulations in South Asia with 175 economies around the world. India, the region’s top reformer, implemented reforms to simplify business registration, cross-border trade, and payment of taxes, as well as…