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10 facts you should know about Indian middle class
Indian middle class is growing fast, real fast. It is not the same what it was just a decade back. They were then branded as a conservative and thrifty people.
Not anymore, India’s middle class is now dynamic, educated, liberal and…
Encyclopedia for new and first time Indian Entrepreneurs
When I read about National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) on WebYantra, I headed straight for the site. I spend nearly an hour on NEN site after registering and still could not feed my appetite with the wealth of information they had. I am…
Top 10 reasons why you should be an Entrepreneur
A lot of folks ask this question: Why should I become an entrepreneur? Is it worth all the trouble of going through hardships and uncertainties of starting my own business? What if I fail ?
Here are the top 10 reasons according to me why…
13 reasons for success of Indian software industry
Top Best 10 reasons for success in Software Information Tech Industry, investment in India, success factors, Software Industry investment, Indian educated population, outsourcing offshoring young population telecommunication
Indians will get to taste Budweiser Beer – Desi Style !
Anheuser-Busch, worlds largest brewer and makers of Budweiser, one of the most popular brand of Beer in US has announced that Indians will taste the Indian Brewed Budweiser starting this Friday.
Like innumerable other multinationals…
What is the average earnings of a Non Resident Indian ?
I was very surprised to see the survey published Juxt Consultant on Non Resident Indians. The survey gave details on the earnings of Indians based abroad (Non Resident Indians). The people covered were mostly residents in UK, US...
The Indian software professionals are in big demand for 2 M’s….Money and Marriage!
A young Indian IT professional in India is earning more than double the average salary than any other profession. They are also likely to see their salaries jump more than any other professional in the country right now - with salaries…
New 7 Wonders of the World: Scam to make millions of profit !
Even with all this background, I had not doubt that Taj Mahal would be in Top 5 if not top 3, purely based on the population we have. But I guess, I was wrong. If you think deeper, you will realize that although we have a huge population,…
Indian Purchasing Power Parity to overtake Japan by 2025
At current growth rate, India’s Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is set to overtake Japan by 2025 to rank third only after US and China. This prediction came from none other than Governor of BoJ (Bank of Japan), Toshihiko Fukui.
Three times more pay packet for Indians 20 years from now !
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, The salaries of Indians are increasing at breath-taking speed. An IT person getting a 30 to 35% rise is a common place now a days.
Mckinsey Global Institute recently released a report which…
What is the future of Rupee? Is Dollar going to appreciate?
Daily Dollar Rupee forecast incuding forward rates, hourly spot rupee, longterm dollar rupee forecast, daily dollar rupee updates, hedging, hedging strategies and advice, daily dollar rupee update, free trial of dollar rupee, daily rupee…
The Indian Economy: Can the growth be derailed ?
There has been a great buzz around the growth in Indian economy for last couple of years. But many believe that we have not even scratched the surface. There are many pointers right now that give compelling reasons to believe that this…