Amazon Launches Certificate Manager. Offers Free SSL & TLS Security Certificates


Secure HTTPS SSL Amazon AWS

The cloud computing industry is getting more and more competitive day by day. It has become a race between the leading cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and IBM SoftLayer.

Amazon Web Services in an effort to maintain the competitive edge of its services has now launches Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM). With this Certificate Manager, the web developers would now be able to obtain TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security certificates for free.

Leading web hosting service providers charge more than Rs. 4,000/ year for such certificates. Internet surfers these days pay a lot of attention to a green padlock in the address bar. It has become a symbol of trust for us. So, if a website has TLS and SSL security then we are more likely to trust it than any other website.

Hence, by offering such TLS and SSL certificates for free, Amazon Web Services is trying to attract more web developers to its cloud offering.

ACM will allow the developers to start using SSL in a couple of minutes. It can be setup with just a few clicks. Also, ACM will take care of your periodic certificate renewals. You only have to set it up once and then forget about it. ACM will do it for you.

“ACM will allow you to start using SSL in a matter of minutes. After your request a certificate, you can deploy it to your Elastic Load Balancers and your Amazon CloudFront distributions with a couple of clicks. After that, ACM can take care of the periodic renewals without any action on your part,” mentioned Jeff Barr of AWS in a blog post.


As of now, ACM is available only in the US East (Northern Virginia) region. AWS is working on bringing it to other regions as well in near future.

If you are looking for a cloud solution provider then you should take a look at AWS first. AWS currently provides services like business intelligence tool, database software, file sharing, work email solution, storage, raw computing, and many more.

Amazon recently acquired ‘Elemental Technologies’ for boosting its video encoding capabilities and IBM acquired video streaming company ‘UStream’. Going by this trend, the next battle will be for offering the best video processing services. We don’t know what Google is doing at the moment, but it won’t be far behind in this race.


  1. Mike Patel says

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  2. Chintak says

    There is worldwide service :

    Anyone can use it. Free for lifetime!

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