Turn Your Voice Messages Into Text: Whatsapp’s New Experiment Is Actually Useful

We live in a crazy world wherein every day we see technological milestones being crossed. Those milestones brought us from telegrams to telephones, to mobile phones to smartphones.

With a single click, we can see the globe. Instant messaging app WhatsApp has also seen many such milestones. From facilitating just instant messages over the internet, today it facilitates voice as well as video calling.

One such new huge milestone might be in the making. Very soon, you will speak and the smartphone will transcribe your message for Whatsapp.

Transcribed messages soon will be new normal

According to reports, WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will transcribe audio to texts. For now, the new feature is still in the development phase. The feature has not been announced even for beta users.

WEBetaInfo, the platform that keeps track of the latest features on the instant messaging platform has spotted the new feature in the works.

Apple is playing a key role

According to the platform, in order to transcribe the audio, the message won’t be sent to Facebook or WhatsApp. The message transcribing service will be provided by Apple. And as the messages won’t be attached to any unique ID, it might provide us better privacy.

This new feature will also help Apple in improving speech recognition.

WABetaInfo has also shared a screenshot of this feature. According to it, his new transcription service will be offered as an optional feature. For enabling the feature, users will need to provide one-time device permission.

Since the feature is yet to be announced, we can’t be sure if WhatsApp will make it official. Currently, the feature has only been spotted on Apple’s iOS. But, given the popularity of Android, WhatsApp might also introduce it on Android as well.

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