IT Employees Fightback: IT Employee Union Files Petition In Supreme Court Against Layoffs

IT Employees Layoffs: IT Employee Union Files Petition In Supreme Court Against Firings
IT Employees Layoffs: IT Employee Union Files Petition In Supreme Court Against Firings

In a big move, IT Employees Union, NITES has filed a petition in Supreme Court, against the terminations of IT employees during the lockdown.

What is the purpose of this petition?

Can this help to stop IT layoffs, which are happening all across the nation?

NITES Files Petition In Supreme Court

Harpreet Saluja, General Secretary, NITES along with Supreme Court lawyer Rajesh Inamdar have filed a petition in Supreme Court against IT layoffs.

In the petition, it has been stated that despite Govt’s advisory against terminating employees during the lockdown under Disaster Management Act, IT employers and companies are continuing to fire employees.

The petition asks Supreme Court to intervene in this matter, and issue strict guidelines for IT companies regarding job security of employees.

Besides, the petition also calls for financial assistance for employees who have been fired by their employers during the lockdown phase.

Harpreet Saluja, General Secretary, National Information Technology Employees Senate – NITES said, “We have filed the PIL in Supreme Court praying that the March 20 Advisory of the Labour and Employment Ministry, the March 29 GO of the Central government and the various state government resolutions pertaining directions to the employers of both the private and public companies to not lay off/terminate employees or cut their salaries, in the wake the COVID lockdown, be implemented.
The petition is not to seek a direction from the Hon’ble Court to burden employers. However, we have submitted that a balance needs to be drawn between the rights of the employers and those of the employees, the latter being the more disadvantaged class. The present petition is being preferred only to ensure that in the unprecedented situation, whereby the functioning of whole country has virtually come to a standstill, does not result in an unmitigated disaster in the loss of jobs in the public/private sectors, thereby forcing a huge human cost on the Country. The Country which was already trying to recover from the economic crisis and unemployment issues had to be brought to complete blockade due to rapid spread of the COVID-19 wherein the entire nation was put into lockdown due to which the issues which were already existing will be worsened. It is urged that the employers as their Corporate Social Responsibility be mandated to not terminate or layoff the employees and pay their full salaries so that they are not compelled to come on the streets and join the workers on the streets who are struggling to manage two times meals as this would add excessive and unwarranted burden on the Union and State Government.”

Advocate Amit Pai, who is the advocate on record for this petition said, “Due to the unprecedented lockdown, the country is facing down the barrel of the gun of an economic crisis. Thousands of people in the private sector are losing their jobs in the most arbitrary manner. If this continues, it will have disastrous consequences for the country. Through the petition, we are only attempting to draw attention of the plight of these persons before the Hon’ble Court. Although, it may not be fair to have the employer burdened with salary, a balance has to be drawn between the employers and the employees. It is quintessential to draw the balance.”

Which IT Companies Have Fired Employees?

We have reported several stories of IT employees getting fired by their employers during the lockdown phase, which is completely illegal and unethical.

EBixCash, a leading forex company fired 900 employees.

Teleperformance, a France based ITeS firm has fired 100 employees in Pune

This is how Amdocs is firing employees. 150 have been asked to resign. Here is our exclusive report Amdocs firing

Capgemini is canceling leaves of employees, and notice has been issued against them

As per some reports, 1.5 lakh employees can be fired in the next few months, all across India.

By filing a petition, this practice being used by IT firms to save money during lockdown, and during an epidemic can be stopped, and IT employees can be assured of job security.

We will keep you updated, as more details come in 

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