Air India Flights Can Be Cancelled After October 18th; These 6 Airports Will Be Affected Due To Payment Crisis

AYet again we report to you the dire straits of Air India, as three major oil PSUs warn the airlines of not supplying them with fuel from October 18.
This will, obviously, result in the cancellation of flights, and we wonder how Air India will come up with a solution for this.
However, Air India has assured that they will resolve the issue and there is no need for passengers to worry.
Find out all that went down between the PSUs and Air India right here!
PSUs Threaten Air India To Cut Off The Fuel Supply Unless Paid Monthly Dues
Three major oil PSUs – Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) issued a letter warning the airlines of clearing their monthly lumpsum amount by October 18. If not paid, the PSUs threatened to cut Air India off.
The letter says, “the outstanding has not come down considerably in the absence of the committed monthly lump sum payment.”
August – The three PSUs, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) stated that Air India owed them as much as Rs. 5000 crore in unpaid dues. Moreover, they also accused the airline of delaying the payment by almost eight months.
August 22 – The PSUs actually cut off the fuel supply at six airports: Kochi, Mohali, Pune, Patna, Ranchi and Vizag.
September 7 – The supply of fuel was resumed to these airports thanks to the intervention of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
October 5 – OMCs told Air India that if the monthly lump sum payment was not made, fuel supply will be stopped from October 11 at ‘six major domestic airports’. Air India responded with a letter requesting OMCs not to cut the fuel supply.
If Air India does not pay its dues by October 18, there is no doubt future flights by the airlines will be cancelled.
Air India Assures Passengers That Issue Will Be Resolved Soon
Now there is news that Air India has assured its passengers that they are looking into the payment issues and there is no need for passengers to panic.
Air India spokesperson Dhananjay Kumar said, “Air India has taken all measures to ensure that flights are not disrupted and passengers do not face inconvenience at all. There is no reason for any concern to the esteemed Air India passengers.”
The Government is also looking to sell off its shares in Air India which is neck-deep in debt of Rs. 60,000 crore from November. Air India reported a loss of around Rs. 8400 crores in 2018-19.
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