Huawei LiteOS: A 10KB Operating System To Power Internet Of Things


Huawei LiteOS

Internet of Things (IoT) is the future and Huawei is trying to become an integral part of this upcoming trend. With that in mind it has launched an operating system for connecting all devices via the Internet.

Huawei’s IoT OS- LiteOS is just 10 KB in size and holds the potential to power the IoT. Huawei has been clear in mentioning that this LiteOS won’t be competing against the likes of full-fledged mobile operating systems like Android and iOS, but will power a range of both consumer gadgets and business devices.

“We want to provide the connections, not the devices,” said Huawei’s Head of Strategy and CMO, William Xu.

Huawei predicts that a whopping 100 billion devices will be connected to the internet by the year 2025. It also predicted that about 2M sensors will be deployed every hour by that time. The current networks that we are using are simply not capable enough to handle so many connections and hence there is a need to develop a new kind of network. LiteOS is one part of Huawei plan towards achieving a complete IoT solution.

“Huawei believes that standardizing ICT infrastructure will foster the development of Internet applications, including IoT applications. To address this, Huawei is launching our IoT OS, LiteOS,” announced William Xu.

Huawei LiteOS is the smallest IoT operating system in the world weighing just about 10 kilo bytes. The OS is designed to support zero configuration, auto-discovery, and auto-networking. This allows it to be used for developing applications for smart homes, wearable devices, connected vehicles, and many more gadgets. LiteOS will be opened to all developers, allowing them to quickly design their own products based on LiteOS. It is not yet clear whether Huawei will make its OS open-source or not.

Also not much information has been revealed about the working and the features of Huawei LiteOS. But we will come to know about that in due course of time.


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