3 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should be on LinkedIn!


Entrepreneurs drive most local economies. Not only do they provide jobs to the local community but also boost consumerism. This is one of the main reasons why the growth of an economy is directly related to the number of professionals starting their own venture.


So it is surprising why so many of them don’t use LinkedIn to promote their services. Instead it is large corporations that have made good use of LinkedIn.

Most corporations do not understand the principles of Social media. They mostly use it as an extension of their PR and communication strategy. In a piece called Does corporate India understand social media blogger Archana Venkat had discussed some key reasons why this was a challenge for most corporations. But on LinkedIn almost 82 Fortune 100 companies are present actively scouting for talent.

But this is the tip of the iceberg. I will give you three reasons why entrepreneurs should leverage social media to enhance their offerings.

Reason 1

The Average household income of a LinkedIn user is roughly around $ 110,000 per annum according to a recent report. In India almost 24 % of users have household incomes above Rs 15,00,000 .

This is also significant as Indian professionals form the second largest group in the LinkedIn roughly around 13 Million users. So what you have on LinkedIn is a target base that has the money to buy your product or services. As an entrepreneur you would understand the importance of having a base that has the money to spend. As compared to this Twitter and Facebook users have much lower household incomes.

Reason 2

39% of LinkedIn users manage the budgets for their companies. Now this is a significant statistic. Those of us who have sold to companies or individuals realize the importance of the consent of the budget owner. So when you use LinkedIn you are reaching out to a professional handling the budget 2 out of 5 times. That is an incredibility high average.

Linkedin Audience

This solves the problem of not reaching the decision maker. Most startups with frugal budgets can ill afford to spend time and money convincing a prospect only to find out that he is not the decision maker.

Reason 3

1.8 Billion Business leads were generated on LinkedIn in 2011. So if you are not among those generating leads on LinkedIn, definitely your competition is doing it. In India there were 149 Million leads that were created in 2011. Business leads on LinkedIn usually accelerate the sales cycle. This means that the entrepreneur can realize the returns on his investment much faster.


These are the three reasons that I found in my experience that are very important. But there could be other reasons as well. If you do feel there are others, please do share them. I am sure all of us would love to get a deeper perspective on this topic.

Till then happy prospecting.

  1. Azeem says

    Thanks for useful information. Would like to know can we create dummy profile for company and follow other people on Linkedin?

  2. Jesson J Edmund says

    To All Out There,

    Can anyone out there tell me where in India can I find a noodle making machine manufacturer. I am interested in creating a fresh noodle making factory in India for the Indian consumer market. Therefore, instead of having machines brought in to India for this purpose from my country, I am of the opinion that It would be much easier if I could purchase or have it custom made by an Indian manufacturer in India.

    I would appreciate it very much if anyone can give me some pointers as to where I can find such a manufacturer.

    Whilst on this subject, I am also considering recruiting a local person with a good knowledge of Indian food consumers for this start up, Someone, who can help bring the end product to the Indian market place in double quick time.

    Thanking you In advance

    Jesson J Edmund
    [email protected]

  3. Ritz says

    Thanks for sharing the information. Never thought, Linked in is so powerful for your business.

    1. Dr vikram says

      I agree, it is a very powerful channel…

  4. Jorge [email protected] says

    Interesting things for be better in our business, linkedIn is a very much interesting social network for business, thanks for this article is valuable, im sharing

    1. Dr vikram says

      Hi Jorge

      I agree, the true potential of this network has not been realized.


  5. Dr Vikram says

    Good point, but the average Twitter user household income is around $ 68000 and Facebook stats are similar. This is because many non decision makers are on these channels.

  6. Vandhana Karthick says

    If it is Linkedin then what about Facebook statistics..Twitter is also like the same and now Google plus is mushrooming for the growth..Awarness is less in India when compared to other countries.

  7. Dr vikram says

    Hi Jesson

    You might need to check with Arun if he can subscribe you to the newsletter.


    Dr Vikram

    1. Jesson J Edmund says

      Hi Dr Vikram,

      Sorry for the delayed reply ! Thank You I will do just that

  8. Jesson J Edmund says

    Hi Everyone !
    I will be most grateful if you can keep me posted of all that goes on here. Thank You.

    Jesson J Edmund

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