TRAI Unveils MySpeed Analytics Portal That Allows Users to Evaluate Operator Services


TRAI MySpeed Portal

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, TRAI, has been working on some exciting projects to educate people about the telecom industry in India. Some of the recent works include TRAI MySpeed app and DND Services to provide more power to the consumers.

Continuing this work, TRAI has unveiled a new portal called TRAI MySpeed Analytics web portal, that will provide information to customers about the network coverage, quality of signals and status of call drops. Call drops have been scrutinized by TRAI for long now, but the telco association has hit back at TRAI every time they try to take an action.

TRAI Analytics has been launched to strengthen the foothold of user’s rights in India, where telcos try to dupe the consumers by providing substandard services. Analytics portal will be accessible to all users in India to check the quality of their network and take appropriate actions.

Talking about the portal, R S Sharma, Chairman – TRAI, said, “The information will be available in different granularity… overall, at an aggregate level and even down to the tower level. Consumers, in a particular location, can see the number of towers around the area, see the call drop rate, and what is the performance of individual service providers on different parameters in that area.”

What does the portal display?

As soon as you open the website, you will see three major areas of quality test from TRAI. The first being MySpeed, second being Drive Test and third being QoS(Quality of Service). All the three have been provided to create a more transparent view of the telcos in India.

The most important of the three is QoS portal that provides information related to the strength of the network signal, call drop rates, number of network towers in the area and performance of specific network providers in that area. So now, before purchasing a sim card, you can properly assess what operator you should go ahead with.

Operator Data Speeds

All this data will be submitted by the telcos to TRAI, on audit basis, and updated regularly on the website. This also gives more power and authority to the people to choose the network of their choice, thereby creating competition among the service providers.

Upon opening QoS, you will be able to see the whole map of India, where in you can zoom in or select the location of your choice. Instead, clicking on ‘All India’ tab will take you to the performance dashboard of the telcos in all the states of the country. The portal displays information from January 2016 to June 2016 only right now, but will get updated for July 2016 as soon as the telcos make their reports available to TRAI.

State-wise you can view the average call drop rates, BTS density, network utilization trend and call drop rate trend for every telecom out there. The graphs also give an interesting picture of networks in major parts of the country.

QoS Dashboard

The website also has a very clean and elegant design with the view of India’s coastal region from the space. The Drive Test application doesn’t seem to be active right now, so there is not much information about this service.

Make sure you check the portal out and see how your network operator has been faring in the areas around you. It is quite possible you have been missing out on all the good things because your telco is not providing you the best of services. This also allows users to take informed decisions and make the whole industry very transparent.

You can access the portal now and assess network information in your area for a holistic view of the service providers.

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