Yay! TRAI To Ensure Promised Speed To All Internet Users. Good Days Ahead?


5G Mobile Internet Connectivity-001

Gone are the days when TRAI used to sit idle while telecom operators harass the phone users and provide vague reasons for not providing promised network quality and internet speed.

Each one of us has been a through a situation when we couldn’t access the internet due to network issues. All we got was replies like ‘network outage’, ‘please restart your device’, ‘remove SIM and insert it again’, ‘upgrade to 3G’ for no reason and so on. All of this would be a thing of the past soon.

TRAI Launched Its Own Internet Speed Test App For A Reason

We had earlier reported that TRAI had launched its own mobile app for testing the internet speed called “MySpeed”. The regulatory body has done so for a reason. It wants to ensure that all Indians get a better internet connection with promised speed and network quality.

With this app, TRAI wants all of us to test our internet speed and report it to them so they can take required actions.

They want all internet users (fixed line broadband and wireless internet including 2G/3G/4G) to test and report their internet connection details (speed and network quality) to TRAI servers.

This data would then be analysed and published on regulator’s analytics portal.

After getting sufficient user data about network quality, TRAI will float a consultation paper for setting a benchmark of quality of service (QoS) and internet speed.

Why Is TRAI Taking Such Measures?

Apart from ensuring that users get what they are promised in advertisements, TRAI wants to ensure the success of ‘Digital India’ Programme which won’t be possible if the citizens have unreliable and poor internet connections.

This move from TRAI comes as a result of series of events after it has been at loggerheads with the telcos over data quality and call drops.

Telcos allege that TRAI had conducted selective drive tests for determining network quality, while TRAI maintains that the areas for conducting the drive tests were selected after consulting the telcos.

Well, we don’t know who is right and who is wrong but we know one thing, this ‘MySpeed’ app can improve the internet connectivity in India to a great extent. We, users, will get the promised internet speed. What can be better than that?

In another move, TRAI has also extended the validity of data packs coupons to 1 year which is 90 days currently. This revision in the validity of data plans allow the telcos to offer standalone data packs or combo packs (voice + data) having a long validity of up to 1 year.

Such internet packs with long validity are very useful to those who use the internet only for instant messaging and emailing. What’s your take on this? Do you think that the ‘MySpeed’ app can help in bringing about the much required change? Do let us know.

Related: There has been a petition launched by good folks at The Logical Indian, which demands for a regulation guaranteeing Internet speeds on mobile that customers Are Paying for – Go ahead and sign it!

1 Comment
  1. Mud says

    WHERE do we POST the problems we’re having to TRAI? It would have been idea, Trak, to GIVE THE URL!!!

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