India has added close to 11 Million Facebook users in last 6 months and has now beaten Indonesia to have the 2nd largest userbase on Facebook. According to stats revealed by Social Bakers, a social analytics company, India now has 43.5 million users on Facebook as compared to 43.1 million of Indonesia. Roughly, that stands for more than half of all the internet users in India.
The Top 20 Countries on Facebook by Userbase
No. | Country | Users | Change | (± %) | Penetration |
1 | United States | 155699640 | +2 532 040 | 1.65% | 50.19% |
2 | India | 43497980 | +10 828 860 | 33.15% | 3.71% |
3 | Indonesia | 43060360 | +3 856 160 | 9.84% | 17.72% |
4 | Brazil | 37907400 | +13 938 440 | 58.15% | 18.85% |
5 | Mexico | 32031340 | +4 245 680 | 15.28% | 28.48% |
6 | Turkey | 31247120 | +1 592 880 | 5.37% | 40.16% |
7 | United Kingdom | 30249340 | +468 580 | 1.57% | 48.52% |
8 | Philippines | 27593300 | +1 637 340 | 6.31% | 27.62% |
9 | France | 23599740 | +1 008 920 | 4.47% | 36.44% |
10 | Germany | 22600660 | +2 347 160 | 11.59% | 27.47% |
11 | Italy | 21297400 | +1 500 400 | 7.58% | 36.66% |
12 | Argentina | 17784380 | +1 494 540 | 9.17% | 43.02% |
13 | Canada | 17190240 | +644 240 | 3.89% | 50.92% |
14 | Spain | 15628320 | +1 315 340 | 9.19% | 33.60% |
15 | Colombia | 15620240 | +594 240 | 3.95% | 35.34% |
16 | Thailand | 13687640 | +2 201 680 | 19.17% | 20.61% |
17 | Malaysia | 12268300 | +839 300 | 7.34% | 46.90% |
18 | Taiwan | 11530420 | +1 048 580 | 10.00% | 50.08% |
19 | Australia | 10702880 | +262 040 | 2.51% | 50.34% |
20 | Egypt | 9544400 | +991 140 | 11.59% | 11.86% |
Among the top 20 countries on Facebook, Brazil is the only country which has added more subscribers in last 6 months. Brazil added 13.9 mil users as compared to India’s 10.8 mln. India also registered 2nd highest growth rate in userbase (33.15%) after Brazil (58.15%).
Even though India has 2nd highest userbase, the penetration is one of the lowest with only 3.71% of all Indians being on Internet. While half of all Americans are on Facebook, even countries like Philippines (27.6%), Turkey (40.1%), Malaysia (46.9%) & Thailand (20.16%) have much higher Facebook Penetration.
Facebook users by Indian Cities
In India, Mumbai has maximum Facebook userbase with 3.7 mln users ranking 18th across the globe. Delhi (1.57 Mln) ranked 36th and Bangalore (1.53 mln) ranked 38th, have nearly same number of FB users. [source]
Global Rank | City | FB Users | Penetration |
18 |
Mumbai |
3672500 |
18.80% |
36 |
Delhi |
1566500 |
8.70% |
38 |
Bangalore |
1526080 |
22.91% |
49 |
Chennai |
1214100 |
101.64% |
50 |
Hyderabad |
1180720 |
79.65% |
68 |
Pune |
830260 |
63.56% |
79 |
Calcutta |
585080 |
12.77% |
85 |
Ahmedabad |
350760 |
22.99% |
90 |
Indore |
273240 |
23.82% |
95 |
Surat |
191420 |
16.77% |
99 |
Coimbatore |
149420 |
10.12% |
100 |
Bhopal |
147800 |
10.24% |
101 |
Ludhiana |
127460 |
10.64% |
108 |
Vadodara |
88520 |
7.69% |
109 |
Kanpur |
70600 |
2.79% |
111 |
Lucknow |
55640 |
3.54% |
112 |
Thane |
50500 |
4.32% |
113 |
Visakhapatnam |
46940 |
2.54% |
114 |
Jabalpur |
43540 |
3.15% |
115 |
Agra |
41720 |
3.23% |
116 |
Madurai |
41140 |
3.40% |
118 |
Kochi |
19000 |
1.06% |
119 |
Kalyan |
16800 |
2.39% |
It is interesting to note that FB penetration in Chennai shows more than 100%, while Hyderabad (79.65%) and Pune (63.56%) also show very high percentage of users!
[via Penn-Olson]
No wonder as the way internet users are increasing in India, this was very much expected.