Small Retail Owners Plead To Infosys Co-Founder: “Stop Working With Amazon, Save Our Business”

Trouble seems to be the constant companion of e-commerce companies in India. They are constantly coming under the radar of the government, general public, and small retailers in India. This time it’s Amazon that has caught the attention of small retailers in India. With the claim that Amazon is eating away their business by malpractices, they are using all the tricks at their sleeves to stop the advent of the e-commerce giant. This time they have published an open letter addressed to Infosys founder N. R. Narayana Murthy.

A little background for the context

Cloudtail India is the largest seller on It is a joint venture between Amazon Asia and Catamaran Ventures. Now, the Catamaran venture is backed by N. R. Narayana Murthy. And Indian Sellers Association is a non-governmental trade association that represents the voices of micro and small enterprises and family businesses across India.

Indian Seller’s Association contends that Cloudtail India is using malpractices to further its own business and is detrimental to small retailers in India.

So, in an attempt to thwart Cloudtail India, the association has urged N.R. Narayana Murthy to step up to the occasion and end their association with Cloudtail India.

The letter talked about Murthy being the idol of millions of Indians. It also talked about how Murthy has built Infosys based on ethics and Integrity. At the same time, it claimed that all this has been changing since 2014 with the association with Amazon.

The letter alleged that for fixed returns the Infosys founder is putting the lives and livelihoods of small Indian traders and leaving it at the mercy of Amazon.

Other bodies also support 

Abhay Raj Mishra, President, Public Response Against Helplessness and Action for Redressal (PRAHAR) explained that foreign e-commerce retailers operating in India have repeatedly mocked the spirit of the law while still following the letter. To support his assertion he pointed a finger at Cloudtail only.

E-commerce seller body AIOVA’s spokesperson called Cloudtail an “economic terrorist. “It is sad to see Murthy associating himself with an economic terrorist called Cloudtail which crushes thousands of e-commerce sellers inspired by the successes of Murthy,” said the spokesperson of AIOVA.

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