#PlasticBan in Maharashtra: Rs 15,000 Crore, 3 Lakh Jobs Would Be Lost In The State!

Consumers are happy over this decision, but small traders are worst hit

Plastic ban will lead to massive job loss
Plastic ban will lead to massive job loss (Satish Bate/HT Photo)

Maharashtra Govt.’s plastic ban came into force starting June 24th, 2018, and as per reports coming in, this is going to be a major business and commerce dampner.

Approximately Rs 15,000 crore along with 3 Lakh jobs will be lost in the state, besides several thousand crores of direct and indirect tax loss.

None the less, it seems that the customers and en-users in the state are happy, as the Govt. has taken a firm stand to protect the environment.

But, will the #plasticban work?

We try to find out the answers!

Rs 15,000 Cr Loss; 3 Lakh Jobs Terminated!

On March 23rd, Maharashtra CM  announced total plastic ban in the state. This ban include one-time-use bags, spoons, plates, PET and PETE bottles and thermocol items, and right from manufacture, use, sale, distribution and storage of these items is banned.

Rs 5000 fine has been announced for the first-time offenders, and Rs 10,000 fine for 2nd time offenders. Third time offenders face Rs 25,000 fine along with 3 month jail.

Reacting to the plastic ban, which is now enforced in the state of Maharashtra, Neemit Punamiya, general secretary of Plastic Bags Manufacturers Association of India said, “The ban imposed by Maharashtra from Saturday has hit the industry very hard and the plastic industry is staring at a loss of Rs 15,000 crore, leaving nearly 3 lakh people jobless overnight,”

As per Nimit, around 2500 factory owners have closed their shops, and left the association. He termed the prohibition as “discriminatory”.

The association has claimed that the plastic ban will negatively impact the state’s GDP and also increase risk on bank’s loans to the plastic manufacturers and traders.

Consumers Are Happy!

Meanwhile, reactions from the end-users and the consumers are coming in, and it seems that they are happy with the ban.

In Mumbai, reporters from NDTV asked the customers how are they coping with the ban, and the response was positive.

However, it is the sellers and shopkeepers who are facing the heat, as they are not able to provide any alternative to the plastic carry bags, after the ban became effective.

In Pune too, small shop owners are facing hardships and issues while delivering the products. Cloth bags had been introduced, which costs Rs 7-10, but the supply of such bags have reduced, and shipping and packing of food items and general FMCG products like rice, wheat, pulses etc have taken a hit.

It would be interesting to observe how this ban affects the overall sale of products in the state.

After Maharashtra joined the mission to save environment, there are now 18 states where single-use plastic is totally banned.

However, despite the ban, usage of plastic is expected to reach 20 million metric tonnes by 2020. In 2015-16, total of $7.64 billion worth of plastic was exported from India.

Do you support #plasticban? Do let us know by commenting right here!

1 Comment
  1. NetGuy says

    YES! I support the ban. Kudos to the people who’ve done it – they’re courageous guys/girls.

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