Top 10 Scintillating Information Technology Predictions For 2016 & Beyond
Gartner, a leading global research and advisory firm has revealed top strategic Information technology predictions for 2016 & beyond. The predictions give you a scintillating view of our Digital future where machines are going to play an increasingly important roles in our lives.
Just yesterday, NASSCOM had predicted that nearly 50 percent of all the IT jobs will be lost to automation. Now, Gartner’s predictions are reiterating that fact, where most of the predictions are pointing to a future where robots and artificial intelligence will take over many jobs.
Check out these Top 10 predictions that are sure to give you chills:
1)Â Â Â By 2018, 20 percent of business content will be authored by machines.
[easy-tweet tweet=”By 2018, 20 percent of business content will be authored by machines.” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
2)Â Â Â By 2018, six billion connected things will be requesting support.
[easy-tweet tweet=”By 2018, six billion connected things will be requesting support.” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
3)Â Â Â By 2020, autonomous software agents outside of human control will participate in five percent of all economic transactions.
[easy-tweet tweet=”By 2020, autonomous software agents outside of human control will participate in five percent of all economic transactions.” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
4)Â Â Â By 2018, more than 3 million workers globally will be supervised by a “robo-boss.”
[easy-tweet tweet=”By 2018, more than 3 million workers globally will be supervised by a robo-boss.” Â user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
5)Â Â Â By year-end 2018, 20 percent of smart buildings will have suffered from digital vandalism.
[easy-tweet tweet=”By year-end 2018, 20 percent of smart buildings will have suffered from digital vandalism.” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
6)Â Â Â By 2018, 45 percent of the fastest-growing companies will have fewer employees than instances of smart machines.
[easy-tweet tweet=”By 2018, 45 percent of the fastest-growing companies will have fewer employees than instances of smart machines.” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
7)Â Â Â By year-end 2018, customer digital assistant will recognize individuals by face and voice across channels and partners.
[easy-tweet tweet=”By year-end 2018, customer digital assistant will recognize individuals by face and voice across channels and partners.” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
8)Â Â Â By 2018, two million employees will be required to wear health and fitness tracking devices as a condition of employment.
[easy-tweet tweet=”By 2018, two million employees will be required to wear health and fitness tracking devices as a condition of employment.” via=”no” usehashtags=”no”]
9)Â Â Â By 2020, smart agents will facilitate 40 percent of mobile interactions, and the post app era will begin to dominate.
[easy-tweet tweet=” By 2020, smart agents will facilitate 40 percent of mobile interactions, and the post app era will begin to dominate.” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
10)Â Through 2020, 95 percent of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault
[easy-tweet tweet=”Through 2020, 95 percent of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault” user=”trakin” hashtags=”#predictions”]
While it is great that newer evolving technologies and artificial intelligence is going to make us more productive and efficient – on the downside, role of human beings is going to diminish further. Not only that, we will have be increasingly dependent on software and hardware to do our jobs that will obviously diminish our levels of intelligence among other things.
For us, these predictions are more scary than being positive – and it unfortunately reminds us of movies like Terminator and Transformers where machines eventually become more powerful than humans!
You can see these 10 predictions in detail here.
Makes it interesting to read. By 2018 or 2020 let us get back!!