Govt to Ask Flipkart, Amazon & Snapdeal To Sell Solar/Wind Powered Products
The government of late seems to be betting big on renewable sources of power. Just a few months back, Government approved Masayoshi Son’s Softbank to partner with Taiwan’s Foxconn Technology to install a 20GW solar power generating facility through it’s Indian Partner, Bharti
The latest buzz now is that Government is ushering a green movement by asking e-commerce portals like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal and the likes to promote solar powered products. Aware of the reach of these e-commerce portals, the government wants to reach out to the public with the goodness of using solar powered products. A Govt official said, “We have been writing to Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal to showcase more solar products to sell as none can match their reach today. We want to leverage this opportunity.”
Solar power driven products like water heaters, lanterns, chargers, house systems, lights, coolers, kitchen appliances etc are to be showcased in these online retail markets. It would be safe to say that our country solely runs on electricity and other renewable sources of energy like solar power, wind power, thermal power etc are almost non-existence when you compare the reach of water power.
The government wants to bring these renewable sources or rather solar power to the fore front. The government’s current solar energy target, it wishes to produce is 100,000 MW by 2022. Grand plans for solar energy will only sustain if people start consuming it.
The government has also gone one step further in helping citizens set up solar roof-top installations. To do so, 270 firms have been enlisted to help the government assist in setting up these units. Soon the government hopes to pump of the demand for solar products which in turn will build the economy of solar product manufacturers and solar power generations.
The demand for such products can be created by marketing these products on such e-commerce sites. Most of the environment friendly products come at a relatively higher price than the non-environment friendly ones.
The only way to reduce the price of these products is have a large number of manufacturers providing same products, the prices are bound to fall due to perfect competition.
Solar energy isn’t the only one the government is keen on, it has also announced to reach a 60,000 MW of wind power generation by 2022. The estimated investment is Rs.10 trillion. The government is also building up it’s green army (ie skilled personnel to help with renewable energy products) and also to help unemployed graduates create their own businesses by dealing in this sector of generation of renewable sources of energy.
The government also has Mr. Son’s investment in the sector and with these new moves, surely the government seems to be taking the green energy into it’s focus. All we need to do is to wait and watch how the government will get it’s ball rolling. We only hope that these grand propositions don’t evaporate in the sun!