Mobile Apps: 3 Unique Ideas That Will Surprise You


Mobile technology is advancing at a breakneck speed right now, with unique and innovative ideas hitting the market almost on a daily basis.

Ever since the idea of mobile applications and a market place for these applications have been devised (thanks Steve Jobs), developers and thinkers are leaving no stone unturned to come up with unique, out of the box applications.

Here, we are showcasing 3 such unique mobile app ideas which have recently being introduced or about to hit the market:

Scented Notifications:

Receiving notifications on smart phones is one of the most consistent tasks for any smart phone user. As of now, the only options of receiving these notifications are in the form of sound (pings or rings) or without sound. But a food lover and application developer has some other ideas.

How about a mobile app which sprays different aromas for different activities? For example, butter potato aroma for Facebook likes notification; strawberry aroma for a new email and jasmine aroma for a new retweet?

Smells amazing, right?

Scentee is a new mobile app developed in Japan, through which you can send aroma to your friends, instead of texts and use different aromas for different activities such as receiving notifications etc.

Here is an explainer video:

Satellite Spy Alert

Are you always worried whether a satellite is spying on you or not? Relax; now there is an app to find out that.

Aptly named SpyMeSat, this new iPhone app sends you notifications when unclassified imaging satellites or spy satellites are directly over your head and zooming in to take secret images of you.

Developed by Orbit Logic, this app also creates dynamic maps which show the orbit tracks of these satellites and the location of remote sensors which passes your geographical locations at any given time.


This application makes use of public information related to commercial satellites and international imaging satellites which is available for research. Additionally, data from North American Aerospace Defense Command is also analyzed to provide detailed satellite tracking information.

Now, you don’t need to be paranoid about random satellites spying on you; you can track them and catch them red handed.

Android Powered Augmented Reality Helmet With 180 degree view

Move over Google Glass; here is a new augmented reality helmet which can provide you 180 degree rear view, connectivity with your Android phone, seamless navigation, weather reports and save your life as well.

Motor biking with this slick helmet can change the rules of driving, for ever.

Developed by US based company Skully Helmets, this Android powered helmet has a rear facing ultra wide angle lens camera which provides its wearer live feed of everything which is happening behind them and sideways: 180 degree views, which is projected inside of the helmet, on the visor.

Skully helmets

Additionally, this helmet can provide turn by turn navigation, notification of texts, calls as it is connected to your smartphone, access to music library and ability to make hands free calls as well as program the route for better time management.

Skully Helmets are looking for volunteers who can test their product. You can apply here to become an approved beta tester.

Have you come across any more unique mobile apps? Do let us know in comments!

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