India to Overtake Chinese Mobile subscriber Base by Mid-2012


Globaly, we have over 6 Billion Mobile Subscribers – India and China combined will soon have close to third of this market share. Chetan Sharma, a management consultant recently put out a slideshare presentation, which gives some interesting insights on the Global Mobile Industry.

India will overtake China in terms of Mobile Subscriber base by 2nd quarter of 2012 and India is most likely to cross 1 Billion subscriber mark by 1st quarter!

India Vs China Mobile subscriber Growth

Interesting Mobile Trends of 2011

  1. Total Global Mobile Subscriptions to hit 6 Billion – India and China racing to a billion a piece
  2. Total Global Mobile Revenues to hit $1.3 Trillion, almost 2% of Global GDP – Top 10 operators control 43% of the global mobile revenues
  3. Total Global Mobile Data Revenues to eclipse $300 Billion – Non-messaging data now owns 53% of the global mobile data revenues
  4. Mobile Devices are now exceeding traditional computers in unit sales + revenue – Majority of the device sales in the US are now smartphones. Device Replacement is shrinking
  5. Over 1 Billion broadband connections by 2011
  6. Mobile Data Traffic will be 95% of the global mobile traffic by 2015 – Many countries are facing spectrum exhaust in the next 5 years
  7. Several multi-billion dollar opportunity segments are emerging – Mobile Advertising, Mobile Commerce, Mobile Wellness, Mobile Games, and Mobile Cloud Computing to name a few
  8. Intellectual Property has become a key component of long-term product strategy – Top 20 control 1/3rd of the overall mobile patent pool

Stare of Global Mobile Industry

Have a look at this presentation – It has some really good data points and numbers about state of Global Mobile Industry

1 Comment
  1. Ajaypratap Sidhu says

    The points made under “Interesting Mobile Trends of 2011” are really very interesting. Useful and informative article ARUN,keep the good work going.

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