Blackberry finally bows down to Indian demand – Offers FULL access


Research in Motion, maker of BlackBerry have finally bowed down to Indian Governments demand to allow access to their messaging system – RIM will provide full data access to the Indian authorities.

To be honest, I did not think that the outcome will come out today – I was thinking more on the lines of delay of another 2-3 weeks. However, Indian Authorities have got their way. [Our earlier post on possible scenarios that this decision would have gone…]

Blackberry Full access

For RIM, they really did not have much of a choice..did they? They had to give access if they had to survive in this fastest growing Indian Telecom Market. RIM today has over 1 Million users in India, majority of who are corporate tie-ups.

RIM will now be placing their servers in India, so as to offer full access to Indian Authorities. [Source: source, 2]

The important thing now would be – How will other countries react to this? RIM has set the tone by giving access to India for its messaging service. I surely see every Government asking for the same.

Blackberry has now given away their U.S.P – Secure Email & Messaging Access. It would be quite interesting to see what follows and how other countries react to this decision.

Only time will tell…

  1. […] a company like RIM [Blackberry Makers] had to bow down to demands of Indian Government on opening up their messenger services. Indian security agencies wanted to gain […]

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  3. vishal arya says

    looks like you guys dont moderate comments so often so i am going to swear in comment only to get your attention …. assholes put up the correct map of india

  4. vishal arya says

    put up the correct map of india in the post

  5. rahul says

    BUT even in the US there is legal intercept (LI)! Post 9/11 all telecom manufacturers made tons of money complying with these requirements! you are mistaken – they are secure – just not secure against government!

    If Uncle Sam asks RIM for data/access – they HAVE TO provide it!

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