Two-Thirds of Indian City Students spend more than a hour online everyday


The latest survey released by TCS called “The web 2.0 Generation” revealed some interesting facts.


The youth, especially the teenagers between age 12-18 are actively using Internet as a medium for socializing. As many as 93% of the students are aware of social Networking and nearly 63% of all students spend more than an hour online on daily basis.

That actually is startling for me and secondly, it just gives you a glimpse of coming Tomorrow. I am sure 10-15 years down the line every 2nd city household will have Broadband Internet. This is actually great for Internet Penetration in India.


Here are some highlights of the report:

  • 63 per cent of urban students spend over an hour online daily
  • 93 per cent are aware of social networking
  • Orkut and Facebook are most popular online destinations
  • 46 per cent use online sources to access news; TV, newspaper users at 25 per cent
  • 62 per cent have a personal computer at home
  • 1 in 4 students own laptops in metros; 2 of 3 own music players
  • IT and engineering remain overwhelming popular career choices
  • Media and Entertainment, Travel and Tourism are emerging careers
  • USA, UK top list of international destinations for higher studies

    The survey has also classified Online students in 4 different Categories

    The Globetrotter:

    Today’s students continue to express a strong desire to be mobile like previous generations. The Globetrotter has global ambitions and wants to study and work abroad. However, a growing confidence in the economic future in India is also reflected in the survey as many students, though keen to study abroad and gain global exposure, are also keen to bring skills back to India and put them to use here.

    The Gadgetphile:

    Students from both metros and mini-metros who love gadgets and aspire to have the latest products available. The i-Pod Indian is more likely to be found with access to a web-enabled mobile, the latest gaming console, i-Pods and if he/she doesn’t have one, then aspires to own an i-Phone.

    The Nation-builder:

    The Indian student is focused on his/her career but is as much interested in the additional benefits that careers brings, such as travel, learning new skills, experience to be gained, interesting workplace, and salary.  This Career Kid is also starting to branch out of the traditional career choices and going for some new options like gaming and animation. The Nation-Builder is optimistic about Indian companies and favours them over the most popular international MNCs.

    The Social Networker:

    A true digital native, the Social Networker is likely to have as many online friends as real ones and these friendships go beyond the traditional boundaries of gender, caste, and geographies.  The Social Youth communicates with anyone and everyone as long as they have the same interests. This child could mark the start of a new democracy where he/she reaches out to more people through social networks and is likely to be more socially active, willing to gather other like-minded youths or even form social network parties.

    Aah…How I wish I was a student of today !!

    1. Kedar says

      Nice post it is. And some brilliant statistics have been posted here.
      It feels really great to find the Internet booming in India and even that the rural population is getting friendly with the concept of Internet.
      It would be indeed a glorious period (as mentioned ~10 years later) where every 2nd urban home will have a broadband connection.
      Even if government does not understand the concept, thankfully people have started believing that Internet has a hand in a nation’s development.
      Also, as mentioned by @Ankit, people should “productively” use the internet. I bet in coming years, blogging and web development would be a common man’s play and not just a geek’s hobbies.

    2. Ivan says

      Just saw a nice blog post on this survey. The content you posted is quite good Arun. Thanks.

    3. Ankit says

      Awesome Numbers @Arun.
      I sure wish to be a student of today too, though i am in pursuit of becoming one soon:)

      But, these numbers despite carving out a better picture for the future of the young I have my own inhibtions.
      Out of the young population online, it will be interesting to note how many of them actually use the time constructively.

      From my personal experience, there were times when we used to spend hours together chatting up with strangers, playing every damn stupid quiz on Facebook and the likes.Now, I realise how much of that time could have been utilized in a better way.

      But yes, with the ones making right use of it, there is no confusion with the potential of Internet.
      With lot of young bloggers and web developers coming up, Internet is becoming a giant MNC which lets you be your own boss and yet get rewarded properly

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