This Is How TCS, Infosys, HCL Plans To Re-Open Offices & End Work From Home For Employees

This Is How TCS, Infosys, HCL Plans To Re-Open Offices & End Work From Home For Employees
This Is How TCS, Infosys, HCL Plans To Re-Open Offices & End Work From Home For Employees

Most IT companies, including TCS, Infosys and HCL Tech are embracing hybrid work models instead of a complete return to offices. 



CEO Tim Cook has said that the company wants to find a middle ground between working remotely and from the office.

While earlier many were focused on physical health, due to the pandemic more awareness has been created about mental health.

He said that the employer will increasingly take on more of a role in ensuring better mental health for its employees.

Part of that could be allowing employees to choose how or where they want to work. 


It has devised ‘3Es’ for its employees to adopt. 

Embrace: When working from home there are too many environmental distractions.

With no clear separation or boundary between work and home, it is highly possible to get onto an “always online” mode.

However, this is not the way to go. 

People should prioritize living holistically’ over ‘eat-work-sleep’.

Enable: While an individual might be ready to ‘embrace’, it is equally important to ask whether the company is ready to enable the right ecosystem to ‘work from anywhere’.

Organizations must put their money where the mouth is and not just do lip service. 

They need to focus on and enable the right conditions and environment to facilitate remote working.

Empower: Both organizations and individuals need to be empowered to work from anywhere.

Individual and organizational contexts need to be bridged with socio-technical solutions.

Individuals, teams and management have specific and intersecting needs and challenges that need to be considered.


Employees in home locations where DCs (development centers) are located or are close to the DCs will come to the office twice a week.

The company will encourage those outside the DC towns to start preparing over the next few months to see if they can return to their base development centers.

Chief Financial Officer Nilanjan Roy said that In the long term they are looking at a hybrid model of work, depending on the clients, regulatory environment and a number of other considerations.

HCL Tech

It is sticking to the hybrid mode for now.

One of the company’s top priorities is the safety and well-being of its employees and their families.

At the same time, it is also deeply committed to maintaining business normalcy and ensuring uninterrupted services to its clients.

For now, it is monitoring the situation and will continue to operate in a hybrid model.

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