Pay Upto Rs 450 Fine For Parking Two-Wheelers On Road In This City; Citizens Angry!

But to fine people left and right without any obvious reason is sheer absurdity.

Mumbai citizens are unhappy with the traffic police’s decision to issue a penalty on wrongly parked vehicles.

There are areas without any No Parking signs where people have been parking for decades without incurring fines.


Penalty Despite Parking In Open Space

Now, traffic police say that they are authorised to take action if a vehicle parked at these spots affect movement of traffic.

Additional Commissioner of Traffic Police Pravin Padwal said that there is no necessity for No Parking boards to be present before penalising parked vehicles.

He added that just because such signs are absent, it does not mean that the space is free for parking.

Fine For Blocking Traffic

They have the right to fine vehicles which increase traffic and cause congestion.

He said that people should utilise the various other spaces other than the roads which can be used for parking.

The conditions under which a vehicle can be fined are if it is parked on a road for over 3 minutes and is blocking traffic.

Business Owners’ Perspective

Shop owners have said that they were handed challans of Rs 450 despite parking in spots in front of their businesses.

They expressed frustration for being penalised for parking on roads they have been using for decades and have caused no obstruction to traffic.

Their customers also get adversely affected.

Hourly Penalty Increase By Rs 50

Citizens have expressed anger towards local police who have been hindering instead of helping them.

People have been returning to their vehicles and finding the tires clamped.

They say that the fine increases by Rs 50 for every hour of delay in removing the vehicle.

No Space To Air Grievances

Furthermore, there is no grievance system where the public can air their issues and complaints.

It is unfair also on those people whose housing societies lack parking space.

People have said that putting up No Parking boards would be reasonable so people would know not to park there.

But to fine people left and right without any obvious reason is sheer absurdity.

Outsiders, Double Parking And Abuse Of Power

Further outrage is caused by the fact that while locals park considerately, people coming in from distant areas take over what little space is available which leads to double parking.

Those seeking action also say that residents should be allowed to park under their own buildings and that officers abusing power should be disciplined.

Such instances include where people protesting the penalty by arguing with the cops get jail time under the charge of abuse of policemen.

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