Tata Sky, Dish TV, Airtel Digital Will Be Regulated! DTH Regulation Consultation Paper Rolled Out

As per reports coming in, Telecom Authority Of India or TRAI is now all set to regulate DTH service providers in India.
This means that regulation of all DTH operators like Tata Sky, Airtel Digital, Dish TV and others will start soon.
How will this impact the end users?
TRAI Rolls Out Consultation Paper For DTH Regulation
TRAI has introduced a new and fresh consultation paper, which aims to regulate all Direct To Home or DTH service providers in India.
December 14th is the last date for sharing your opinions and thoughts over this consultation paper, and December 19th is the last date for counter comments.
It seems that both DTH and MSOs will be regulated.
TRAI stated, “Further, there are a few new issues that have been raised by the ministry in its above referred letter dated October 23,2020 vis–vis applying certain recommendations made for DTH operators in 2019 on MSOs also,
Regulation Of DTH In India: How It Will Work Out?
In 2014, TRAI had recommended for the 1st time about the regulation of DTH players in India, via “Regulatory Framework for Platform Services” report. Infant, it was The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) which had asked TRAI to suggest ways to regulate DTH operators.
Since then, the issue was put on backburner.
TRAI said, “Therefore, in line with its practice, TRAI shall provide its recommendations to MIB after a due consultation process. Accordingly, TRAI has issued consultation paper for seeking comments of all the stakeholders.”
How Will It Impact End Users?
Once DTH players are regulated as per laws under The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB), we may witness a standard protocol for showing the channels, pricing models and more.
Besides, we can also expect some sort of censorship in the content.
More details are awaited.
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