Unlock 5.0: Cinemas Can Open From Oct 1: Maharashtra Opens Restaurants, Bars

Unlock 5.0: Cinemas Can Open From Oct 1: Maharashtra Opens Restaurants, Bars
Unlock 5.0: Cinemas Can Open From Oct 1: Maharashtra Opens Restaurants, Bars

With the ongoing pandemic still going strong for over 5 months now, the Centre is gradually opening the country after a lockdown.

Unlock 4.0 will come to an end on September, let us see what’s in store for the citizens Unlock 5.0 onwards…

These State Government CMs are Announcing Resumption of Few Public Activities!

Unlock 4.0 which began on September 1, relaxations like the resumption of Metro services, re-opening restaurants, malls, salons, gyms, and partial reopening of schools for classes 9 to 12 outside the containment zones were implemented.

On September 26, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced that the cinema halls and open-air theaters can reopen in the state from October 1 with a maximum capacity of 50 people. Jatras along with all the musical, dance, recital, and magic shows will also be allowed to reopen.

The CM cautioned that the re-opening will be subjected to physical distancing norms, wearing of masks and compliance to precautionary protocols.

On September 28, Maharashtra Chief Minister  Uddhav Thackeray announced the re-opening of restaurants, bars, and eatery outlets in the state from the first week of October.

Hotel and Restaurant Association Western India (HRAWI) said that the state government has also agreed to waive excise license fees for 6 months of lockdown. The first installment’s deadline of 30 September has also been deferred. 

Though the government hasn’t issued any guidelines for Unlock 5.0 it is likely a few more public activities might resume with the festive season right around the corner.

What Can We Expect From Unlock 5.0?

Earlier, the central government had indicated an easing of lockdown restrictions and resuming a few public activities in areas except containment zones.

  • In compliance with the social distancing norms, some economic activities in addition to malls, restaurants, salons, gyms might start. 
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had previously allowed only the opening of open-air theaters and not movie halls. However, in August, Information and broadcasting ministry secretary Amit Khare had laid out a plan of seating arrangements in movie theatres. West Bengal might become the first state to resume movie theater operations with a capped capacity from October 1.
  • Schools for classes 9 to 12 have already partially opened with primary classes being conducted via online mode. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked the universities to complete the admission process and commence first-year classes for undergraduate and postgraduate courses from November. 
  • The most-struggling segment, the tourism sector might also start operations. Earlier, the Uttarakhand government allowed tourists to enter the state without any COVID-19 negative report or institutional quarantine rules.

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