Salary Of Indian IT Employee Decline By 15% In 5 Years; Checkout IT Salary In Other Countries!

Information Technology is a sector which is one of the fastest growing industries, not only in India but on a global scale as well.

With the growing automation and advancements in technology, a lot of people happily opt for this field as it comes with a lot more pros than cons.

They generous pay that employees receive is one of the upsides of a job in the IT field, however, the pay scale of IT employees across the globe is quite different from each other.

What are the salaries of IT employees in different countries? Read on to know the details!

Switzerland Pays Its IT Employees the Most

The Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Talent Ranking has put together its data findings about salaries paid by countries to their IT employees. They have presented a report that shows ‘how much services professionals and management level workers are paid around the world to find the top 30 countries with the highest average annual salaries.’

The salaries that have been mentioned in the report are all inclusive of bonuses and incentives as well. The data that has been collected by the IMD’s World Talent Ranking is over a span of seven years.

As per the report, the employees of the US are paid with salaries that are the highest and keep growing at a constant and gradual rate.

At the top of the list is Switzerland, where IT employees (service professionals) are offered as much as $92,625 (£68,500) a year, and the management workers take $431,603 (£319,192) a year.

Next in line is the US where employees are offered an average salary of $ 118,836. The United Kingdoms offer $80,244, whereas Canada pays $96,785. There has been a decent growth in the pay scale of the IT employess of China and Canada.

Where Does India Stand?

In India, the average salary offered is $17,641, which is Rs. 1.23 million. India stands sixth where employee remuneration is concerned.

The report mentions that there has been a notable downfall in the salaries offered to Indian IT employees. In 2012, the average salary was about $20,372( ?1.41 million), which went down to $17,641 (?1.23 million) in 2018.

Top 10 Countries Where IT Employees Are Paid The Highest

Here is a list of the top 10 countries that offer the highest pay to their IT employees:

  1. Switzerland
  2. USA
  3. Luxembourg
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Japan, Germany
  6. Denmark
  7. Austria
  8. UK, Sweden
  9. Singapore
  10. France

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