Zomato Clocks 3 Million Orders In A Month; Introduces New Features For Customers

Achieving the third million took Zomato a little over 4 months.


Zomato Food Delivery

Only 5 months back, Zomato had clocked 2 million orders in a month in both, India and UAE combined. The company is growing in leaps and bounds and has become one of the foremost apps for ordering food from, apart from browsing restaurants.

Now, the company has clocked 3 million orders a month, which we assume is a combination of orders in UAE and India. Zomato has also tried to increase its order volume by providing BOGO (Buy One Get One) offers or discounts from partner restaurants, Zomato Treats along with Zomato Exclusive restaurants.

“Today, we have hit 3 million orders for the last 31-day period. It took us 13 months to reach the first million orders a month; the second million took us 8 months, and the third million took us a little over 4 months,” the blog says.

Some Important Numbers For Zomato

  • By Platform: Android contributes nearly 51% to the orders, followed by iPhone at nearly 38% and orders from the web constitute 11%.
  • Market Share: The share of restaurant delivered orders is almost 93%.
  • Very High Customer Retention: Nearly 65% of newly signed up users for the food ordering business order again from Zomato within the next 12 months.
  • Low Customer Acquisition Cost: CAC is still low for Zomato and money is not being spent to acquire new people.

Zomato Has Introduced Two New Features

To bring more value addition and to celebrate 3 million orders on its app, Zomato is adding the ability for users to order food for someone sick or unwell. This delivery will take priority and will be delivered as early as possible. However, it can only be successful if it is not misused.

“For example, one of the smaller new features is for one of those bad days when you’re coughing and sneezing – you will soon be able to tell us that the meal you just ordered is for someone who’s a bit under the weather. And we will do everything in our power to expedite your delivery, just so that you can get your chicken clear soup ASAP,” the blog read.

Another interesting and nice feature Zomato has added is the choice to opt out of having plastic cutlery delivered with your food. If you’re ordering at home, you are bound to have cutlery and it would be good to skip the one from restaurant. This is a long-needed feature, but now that it is included, it will be one of the most used ones.

These new features are good addition to an already good experience provided by the app. We expect more such features from Zomato, so that restaurants are recommended on the basis of previous orders.

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