Domestic Skies Explode With 50% Discount Offers by Airlines; Mum-Del Flight At Rs 2830 Only!


Since early morning, Indian skies have been in the midst of intense fare wars, which is slowly engulfing all airlines. Right now, you can book domestic air tickets at 50% discount, for three days!

Spice Jet started it all, as they announced today morning that domestic flyers can book air-tickets at 50% discount, only for three days.

Spicejet twitter

Spice Jet has categorically stated that the booking needs to be atleast 30 day in advance to avail this offer. This special pricing will expire on midnight at 23.49 on January 23, 2014, and the travel should be made before April 15, 2014.

Sun Group, which owns Spice Jet has made a calculated risk it seems. SL Narayanan, Sun Group CFO said, “We have done this based on the numbers we have crunched. If we can succeed to move utilizations by the target we are anticipating, this would be a step in the right direction,”

Soon Indigo joined them, and started offering 50% discounted air-tickets for domestic routes.

Indigo air fares

After this discount, some of airfares of popular routes have come down drastically:

  • Delhi to Mumbai flight costing Rs 2830
  • Delhi to Goa flight costing Rs 3355
  • Bangalore to Delhi flight costing Rs 3444
  • Bangalore to Mumbai flight costing Rs 1902
  • Mumbai to Chandigarh flight costing Rs 2588
  • Chennai To Delhi flight costing Rs 3293
  • Chennai to Port Blair costing Rs 2302
  • Hyderabad to Kolkata costing Rs 2729
  • Kolkata to Chennai costing Rs 2565

Last year in the month of January, Spice Jet had offered a similar offer wherein they had shared that 10 lakh seats are available at a discounted price of Rs 2013 only. But this time, they haven’t revealed how many seats are actually available. They have just stated that only ‘limited seats’ are available under this special offer.

Travel pundits are speculating that this offer has been made to speed up the ticketing process for those who are in the midst of making holiday plans for March-April season. Anyways, winters are considered as a lean period for airline bookings, and this special super-discount offer is sure to bring in huge amount of bookings.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead book your tickets now!

  1. […] to become even more intense. With the festival season approaching fast, consumers can expect some big time discounts and flash sales from airlines companies to lure them into their […]

  2. […] the past 6 months, this was 5th such offer by SpiceJet (see some of the earlier offers here and here). In the shareholder’s report filed for last quarter ending in December, SpiceJet had posted a […]

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