M-Commerce Growing In India; 30% Snapdeal Sales Coming Via Mobiles!


For the first time in the history of Indian eCommerce, a major player has come out and openly admitted that they are fully experiencing the next wave of mobile ecommerce. In a statement released by Snapdeal, it has been revealed that out of 10 orders, 3 are coming in from a mobile phone.

30% of all Snapdeal orders are originating from mobile commerce, and that’s a huge chunk.

Snapdeal Sales-001

We had recently discussed that Snapdeal is about to receive a fresh round of investment to the tune of $200 million, which could propel its valuation to $750 million. They are currently processing around 25,000 orders daily, and have crossed Rs 2000 crore annual revenue with a goal of surpassing $1 billion revenue by 2015.

If we observe these set of data against the backlight of mobile ecommerce, then we can truly understand its impact. What we are basically looking at is Rs 2000 crore worth of transactions on Snapdeal’s mobile platform by 2015!

These insights from Snapdeal were revealed after a 6 month survey and research based on the traffic received by their main website and mobile commerce site.

Snapdeal shared that it received around 35 to 40 million visits every month, out of which 12 million reaches its mobile commerce site.

Internet access from Mobile phones has witnessed a quantum leap in the last few years, and this recent revelation from Snapdeal proves this fact.

As per the official statement from Snapdeal, this jump in traffic and sales from mobile platform has increased ’10 fold in the last 12 months’; which cements the fact that Indian mobile user has now converted into an online shopper.

Additionally, it was found out that over 75% of all transactions were CoD or Cash on Delivery based, while 25% transactions were already paid for before delivery. New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad remains the top destination of their order delivery.

Some more insights from Snapdeal’s traffic research:


Main Categories

When it comes to ordering via smart phones, the following are the most popular categories on Snapdeal:

  • Mobiles
  • Men’s Apparels
  • Women’s Apparels
  • Pen Drives & Memory Cards
  • Men’s Footwear

80% of mobile traffic is free

Being a content marketer, I didn’t fail to note down one very important result of these findings: 80% of mobile traffic to Snapdeal is coming from organic results, and the rest 20% are the result of mobile ads.

This shows that Snapdeal’s Online Marketing team has done a wonderful job of attracting free organic traffic to their website.

60% of traffic is new

Another notable observation is that 60% of all traffic originating from mobile phones are first time visitors to Snapdeal. This is again a very important metrics to be studied.

As more than half of visitors are unique and first time, this means that Snapdeal has a very strong presence in search engines and organic hits is their main source of traffic.

Android brings in 70% of traffic

Android OS accounts for more than 70% of mobile traffic for Snapdeal, while Windows and iOS accounts for the remaining 30%.

Most Popular: Stock Android browser

Among browsers, stock Android is the most popular among Snapdeal’s mobile consumers, followed by Opera Mini, Chrome and UC. 86% of all visits & 91% of all orders originate from these mobile browsers.

Based on this data from Snapdeal, it is now clear that India is experiencing the next wave of Mobile Commerce, and this is just the beginning.

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