Which countries best survived the Economic Crisis?


Which countries do you think survived the economic Recession best?

Yes, India is one of the top 3 countries that survived this downturn very well.

Below are the full results from the Servcorp International Business Confidence Survey which was conducted in April 2009 over a period of two weeks.

Australia and China took 1st and 2nd place respectively, while India came in at 3rd along with Singapore.

Surprisingly, Except Canada none of of the western countries made it to top 10!

Most of the developing nations emerged favourites among international businessmen for their ability to withstand the recession. Out of 36 countries listed by Servcorp International, 21 countries are emerging market economies.

International Perspective:
The countries perceived to be surviving the economic crisis the best, as voted by international businesspeople are:

Rank Country
1st Australia
2nd China
3rd equal India, Singapore
5th Hong Kong
6th Canada
7th equal Japan, Qatar
9th New Zealand
10th equal Malaysia, Sweden, Vietnam
13th equal Netherlands, United States of America
15th Indonesia
16th South America
17th France
18th equal Belgium, England, Korea, South Africa
22nd equal Austria, Taiwan
24th equal Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Lebanon, Russia, United Arab Emirates
30th equal Brazil, Morocco, Philippines, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand

The survey was commissioned to understand the current mood, business morale and impact the economic downturn has had on businesses around the world. As part of the survey, Servcorp asked 7,500 international businesspeople from more than 24 nations to identify which countries they believe are surviving the crisis the best.

Having not-so-open-economy may not be that bad afterall…uhh :)

  1. Patricia Schneider Jorge says


    You have to have an economy to have survive the crisis.

  2. guharajan says

    Its surprising who US came at 13th Place. I believe Recession started from here due to Sub-prime crisis starting around end 2006 -07.

    In my point of view the coutries which are lease affected by economic crisis could be Afgan, Srilanka, Pak :-)

  3. Sriram Vadlamani says

    I am sure about China surviving the crisis but not sure about its position. If at all China should be one of the worst effected countries.

    It has huge dollar reserves and heavily depends on exports rather than consumption.

    This again ties back to China’s policies and its not so open reporting standards.

    Every other country has the right place. On a different note, where does Pakistan stand?

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