More Than 50% Indian Youth Have A Side Job In Addition To Primary Job: These Are Most Preferred Side Jobs In India (Deloitte Survey)

More Than 50% Indian Youth Have A Side Job In Addition To Primary Job: These Are Most Preferred Side Jobs In India
More Than 50% Indian Youth Have A Side Job In Addition To Primary Job: These Are Most Preferred Side Jobs In India

A big proportion of Indian Gen Zs and millennials have a primary paying job in addition to their primary job, like social media influencer, working for a non-profit, and selling products or services online being the most popular side jobs held, as per a Deloitte study released on Thursday.

The numbers stood at 62% amongst Indian Gen Zs and 51% amongst Indian millennials, way higher than the global averages of 43% and 32%, respectively, as per the Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey.

Side jobs preferred by Millennials and Gen Zs

35% of Gen Zs and 34% of millennials have a side hustle as a social media influencer, whereas 26% of Gen Zs and 31% of millennials work for a not-for-profit organization. Selling products or services through online social media or e-commerce platforms has been taken up by 25% of Gen Zs and 27% of millennials, while 24% of Gen Zs and 25% of millennials are going after artistic ambitions. 23% of Gen Zs and 30% of millennials are writing or hosting a blog, podcast, or newsletter.

The study had responses from 801 respondents in India – 500 Gen Zs and 301 millennials. It defines Gen Z respondents as individuals born between January 1995 and December 2003, and millennial respondents as individuals born between January 1983 and December 1994.

Millennials and Gen Zs in India have less financial concerns

The study also found that financial concerns seem less prominent in India compared to the worldwide average, with over two thirds of Gen Zs and around 8 out of 10 millennials feeling secure that they’ll be able to retire with comfort and pay all their monthly expenses.

60% of the Indian Gen Zs said they feel financially safe and secure, way higher than the worldwide average of 40%. Additionally, 74% of Indian millennials agreed to the statement compared to 74% globally.

71% Indian Gen Zs and 78% of the Indian millennials are secure that they will retire with financial ease, way over the global averages of 41% on both counts.

The 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey asked for the views of 14,808 Gen Zs and 8,412 millennials (23,220 total respondents), from 46 countries across North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Fieldwork was done from 24 November 2021 to 4 January 2022.

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