Full Disclosure Of Veg, Non-Veg Food Mandatory For All Restaurants In India; Delhi HC Terms It Fundamental Right

As directed by a high court, full disclosure about a food item being vegetarian or non-vegetarian is now compulsory.
The reason cited behind this is that the fundamental rights of every person are affected by what is offered to them.
Delhi High Court Orders Full Disclosure Of Vegetarian And Non-vegetarian Fridge
The Delhi High Court has ordered the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to order a new communication to all the authorities that will clarify the obligation to clearly disclose if the food is vegetarian or non-vegetarian.
The court rules on the plea for labelling “all items” used by the public, including home appliances and apparel, as “vegetarian” or “non-vegetarian” on the basis of their ingredients and “items used in manufacturing process”
As per the bench, “Since the right of every person under Article 21 (protection of life and personal liberty) and Article 25 (freedom to conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion) under the Constitution is impacted by what is offered on a platter, in our view it is fundamental that a full and complete disclosure regarding the food article being vegetarian or non-vegetarian is made a part of consumer awareness.”
Disclosure To Public And Authorities Mandatory
The court stated that it is necessary to disclose the details to the general public along with the authorities.
As per the bench, if the authorities fail to fully disclose if the packaged food article is vegetarian or non-vegetarian, it defeats the whole purpose of the Food Safety and Standards Act.
FSSAI and the Centre have also been directed to file detailed counter affidavits in the matter and the plea has been listed for further proceedings on May 21.
As we shared earlier, the FSSAI, in its new draft labeling regulations, wants the packaged food companies to label their nutritional information in front of the pack. This means that calories, saturated fat, trans-fat, added sugar and sodium per serve will have to mentioned right in front of the cover and food items having ‘High Fat, Sugar and Salt (HFSS)’ shall be marked ‘red.’
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