4-Day Work Week Starts In This Country With Zero Salary Cuts! How Will It Work? And Why?

4-Day Work Week Starts In This Country With Zero Salary Cuts! How Will It Work? And Why?
4-Day Work Week Starts In This Country With Zero Salary Cuts! How Will It Work? And Why?

A four day working week has been in the discussions for quite some time now, and here is a scheme where it has actually been implemented. 

Apparently, this is a pilot scheme and it is a part of research by Cambridge University, Oxford University, and Boston College along with think tank Autonomy and 4 Day Week Global.

Read on to find out how this 4 day working week scheme will work!

Four Day Working Week Pilot Scheme In These Countries

This change is now being tried out in a scheme in the UK, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the Republic of Ireland.

Six companies of the UK will be taking part in this scheme and it will be implemented over a period of six months. 30 British companies will be able to sign up for this scheme.

The main motive of this scheme is that a four day week will increase productivity of the employees, which will benefit the company and themselves. 

As per the Pilot Programme Manager for 4 Day Week Global, Joe O’Connor, “We are excited by the growing momentum and interest in our pilot program and in the four-day week more broadly. The four-day week challenges the current model of work and helps companies move away from simply measuring how long people are “at work”, to a sharper focus on the output being produced. 2022 will be the year that heralds in this bold new future of work.”

Additionally, all the people working the four day working week will be paid the same amount of money!

Four Day Working Week In India?

In India too, there could soon be a 4-day work week for all industry segments.

The Labour Secretary Apurva Chandra had previously announced that the Government is working on a new labour code, which will allow a four-day working week with longer work hours/day.

The weekly limit under the new code will continue to remain 48 hours, however employers will be allowed to deploy their employees flexible work hours, depending upon the number of active days in the week.

Japan has recently introduced some new annual economic policy guidelines that include new recommendations which suggest that companies should implement the four day working week instead of the regular five.

The usually rigid and additional Japanese corporations have already been greatly modified due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

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