India Claims Victory Over Covid-19 As 20% Cities Had 0 Cases In Last 7-Days; Becomes Fastest To Vaccinate 1 Million People!

India Claims Victory Over Covid-19 As 20% Cities Had 0 Cases In Last 7-Days; Becomes Fastest To Vaccinate 1 Million People!
India Claims Victory Over Covid-19 As 20% Cities Had 0 Cases In Last 7-Days; Becomes Fastest To Vaccinate 1 Million People!

After nearly a one year battle with the COVID 19 pandemic, this is one of the rare times when the statistics have come in favour of India. While India had the second largest number of cases infected by the virus just after the US, the country has finally managed to bring the situation under control. 

Ahead of one of the biggest immunization campaigns carried out in India, One fifth of the total number of districts have registered zero cases last week.

Corona Under Control?

On thursday, the central government declared that India is becoming successful in suppressing the pandemic. Health minister, Dr Harsh Vardhan proudly announced that Indian has flattened the COVID-19 graph. 

He also shared that among the total 718 districts in India, 146 districts have not registered even a single coronavirus case. Besides, 18 districts have managed to register zero cases in the last two weeks.

Moreover, the rate of infection has dropped down remarkably, especially after the apex attended in mid september last year. Along with effective vaccination drills, strict lockdowns and safety measures, one main reason because of which India could bring the pandemic under control can be herd immunity.

Immunisation Campaigns in India 

India had started its vaccination process for the front line workers from 16th Jan 2021. In these two weeks, it has managed to vaccinate around 24 lakh people. 

According to the health ministry, India has carried out the fifth highest number of vaccinations in the world. Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan also highlighted that India was the fastest to achieve the 1 million vaccination mark.

While the US required 10 days to vaccinate a million people, India did it just in 6 days. Other countries like Spain(12), Israel(14), UK(18), Italy(19), Germany(20) and UAE(27) were even slower. 

According to Bhushan, India is showing the same progress in 11 days that other countries showed in 50 days of vaccination process. India is aiming to vaccinate 3 crore frontline workers by July or August.

Updates on Other Countries’ Vaccination Drives

As of 26th January, the top three countries to provide vaccination were the US with 23.54 million doses, UK with 7.64 million doses and  UAE with 2.76 million doses. To be specific, India had vaccinated 25,07,556 people till 28 January.

Other countries like Germany, Italy, Spain and France have administered 1.99, 1.58, 1.36 and 1.14 million doses respectively. 

According to the World Health Organization, the public healthcare arm of the United Nations, around 60% to 70% of the world will have to be immune to the virus to end its transmission.

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