Apple’s Safari Browser Can Be Easily Hacked! Apple Users’ Data Exposed? (Do This Urgently)

Apple's Safari Browser Can Be Easily Hacked! Apple Users' Data Exposed? (Do This Urgently)
Apple’s Safari Browser Can Be Easily Hacked! Apple Users’ Data Exposed? (Do This Urgently)

Apple’s security mechanism is considered as impenetrable, and completely safe, secured.

But this time, Apple may have missed a critical update, and failed to gauge the danger.

Millions of Apple users’ data has been now exposed?

Keep reading to find out more!

Apple’s Safari Browser Compromised?

A technical blog called FingerprintJS has reported that they have discovered a security vulnerability in Apple’s Safari browser.

As per the blog, the latest Safari’s Version 15 has a bug, which gets activated while implementing the IndexedDB API. This bug allows the hackers to track and steal users’ information and then use them as they like.

With this bug, the hackers can access the database of any website, and thus, can compromise the users’ information stored in the database, and play havoc with it.

This security vulnerability especially impacts those websites that uses IndexedDB services for accessing users’ information stored in the IndexedDB database of other websites, which is usually stored during a browsing session.

IndexedDB is critical, because it’s an implementation of JavaScript API by Apple’s WebKit service. And almost every website that is accessible on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS uses this more functionality.

The blog: FingerprintJS said, “A tab or window that runs in the background and continually queries the IndexedDB API for available databases can learn what other websites a user visits in real-time. Alternatively, websites can open any website in an iframe or popup window in order to trigger an IndexedDB-based leak for that specific site.”

Which Platforms Will Be Impacted?

As per the reports, this bug will greatly impact Safari 15 Version for Mac machines, along with all Safari browser versions for iPhone, and iPad running on the latest iOS 15 operating system and iPadOS operating systems.

Worst part is, Apple hasn’t yet acknowledged this security vulnerability, and thus, most probably, hasn’t initiated any action to stop it.

It is suggested that Apple users stop using Safari browser, until some cure has been found.

We will keep you updated, as more details come in. 

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