Tata Team’s Tablet Can Prevent Cancer Relapse, Cut Side Effects
In a breakthrough, Mumbai’s premier Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital has potentially found an affordable ₹100 tablet containing resveratrol and copper that promises to reduce cancer recurrence chances by attacking traces of dead cancer cells as per rat trials.

The decade long study saw the tablet cut chemotherapy toxicity by 50% and chances of tumors regenerating by 30% during human trials indicating efficacy across cancer types. Approvals are underway.
Magic Tablet Targets Rogue Cell Traces
Senior Tata surgeon Dr Rajendra Badve explained dying cancer cells release fragments that can spur fresh tumors by entering healthy cells. But the tablet generates antioxidants attacking these rogue pieces in bloodstream, preventing metastasis or migration.
While many doubted the research, Dr Badve said today there is excitement at the success, with the drug set to supplement cancer therapy at a fraction of treatment costs running lakhs-crores after clearances.
Cuts chemo side effects, stops cancer return
Dr Badve believes besides improving survival outcomes greatly, easy availability of the ₹100 tablet from mid-2023 can make therapy less financially draining through reduced stays, marking a milestone for Indian healthcare innovation.