Indians Have Slowest Internet Connectivity In Asia: Akamai


In the just released State of Internet Report for the first quarter of 2014, Akamai has said that Indians continue to have slowest Internet connection in the whole of Asia. Even tiny countries like Vietnam and Thailand has better Internet speed than Indians.

Here is the comparison chart of Internet speeds within Asian countries:

Average Internet Speeds Asia

It seems that besides constructing roads, bridges and factories, the new Indian Government needs to comprehensively develop high-speed Internet connectivity across the country. As we can see, with 1.7 mbps average speed in India, we are at the dead end of the rankings.

Shockingly, we access Internet at less than one tenth of the speed which South Koreans enjoy; half of what a Chinese citizen gets and one third of Internet speeds in Thailand and Singapore!

Compared to last year, Internet speed in India improved only 8% this year, whereas in other Asian countries, the same speed improved by an average of 20%.

Globally, we are ranking a dismal 118.

Interestingly, average internet speed globally has become 3.9 mbps, which is almost double of what we get in India.

On the same note, average highest peak connection globally is 21.2 mbps, whereas its 12 mbps in India. In this department as well, we are lagging behind countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore.


Only 0.4% of Indians get to enjoy Internet connections of more than 10 mbps, whereas only 4.9% of Indians have access to speed more than 4 mbps.

At 23.6 mbps, South Korea leads the ranking as the country with fastest Internet speed. The average peak Internet connection goes as far as 68.5 mbps, which is three times global average.


TRAI Recommends Minimum Speed For Mobile Internet

Few weeks ago, we had reported that TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has recommended a minimum guaranteed speed which every mobile user should have in India.

As per the recommendations, 3G GSM should have atleast 1 mbps speed whereas 2G GSM should be able to access 56 kbps speed. CDMA EVDO connection should have 1 mbps speed while CDMA HSD should be able to access 512 kbps speed under any circumstances.


Hopefully TRAI will come up with a guaranteed minimum speed for broadband Internet connectivity as well, and raise the standards of Indian internet access, which is slowly becoming a butt of joke for global players.

You can find the complete report from Akamai here.

1 Comment
  1. […] Pacific region, that mantle has been now passed to Indonesia . India has been acing the race of slowest internet connection for sometime now. […]

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