Private Banks In India Have 8.6 Lakh Officers Compared To Just 3.6 Lakh Clerks! (Find Out The Reason Why)

There is a schematic change in the banking sector today, as compared to just few years back. Right from digital adaptations to ATM norms, not to forget the major changes done to make the banking system more secure, we have come a long way in the financial sector.
It so happens that not only has there been changes on the outside, there have been some major changes in the internal skeleton of banks too. To be clear, we are talking of the strength of bank employees and the gigantic plunge in the ratios between them.
According to the latest official data, it has been observed that Indian banks have more officers than clerks and subordinates. In fact, private sector banks in India showcase the officer to clerk ratio to be 16:1, which means that for every 16 officers, there is only one clerk.
The Numbers Speak for Themselves
About 15 years ago, there were at least two subordinates, clerk or peons, for every bank officer. However, today, as per the latest data, nearly two-third of the total workforce in Indian banks are officers, while clerks and subordinates account for just one third.
In commercial banks, nearly 14 lakh people were employed in March 2018, of which nearly two-third were officers.
Whereas in 2003, more than 9 lakh people were employed in scheduled commercial banks and officers accounted for less than one-third of the total strength at 2.87 lakh, clerks (4.19 lakh) and subordinate staff (1.95 lakh).
It is not a secret that Indian banks have become extremely top-heavy organisations, which clearly implies that modern banking has evolved as a highly specialised job requiring more people in executive capacity.
There were 3.80 lakh bank employees and officers at the end of March 2018. Of this, 8.59 lakh were bank officers, while clerks and subordinates made up 3.6 lakh and 1.61 lakh of this number, respectively.
Officer-Clerk Ratio in Private Sector Banks
When talking of officer-clerk ratio in foreign banks, the number registered is 4:1, which is for every 4 officers in foreign banks, there is at least one clerk.
This number is horrifyingly high in case of private sector banks in the country, where the ratio between the same is registered to be 16:1. It virtually means that almost every person employed in a private bank was employed as an officer and there were very few clerks.
Of the total 4.2 lakh employees working in private banks, nearly 95% were bank officers and just 5.6% were clerks.
Officer-Clerk Ratio in Public Sector Banks Hasn’t Changed Much
We have seen the massive change in pattern of the ratios between officers and subordinates in private sector and foreign banks in India. This ratio however, hasn’t been moderated much in public sector banks.
The total number of bank officers with public sector banks is still less than the total number of clerks and subordinates. Public sector banks had 8 lakh employees in March 2018, officers (3.76 lakh), clerks (2.98 lakh) and subordinates (1.33 lakh).
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