Mobile Advertising witnesses tremendous growth – Gen Y dominate usage!


I have probably used every phrase in the dictionary to describe Indian Mobile growth over past few years. Over 15 Million new mobile users join the telecom bandwagon every month. There is every possibility that India may reach the 1 Billion Telecom user mark by end of this year itself. With it, Mobile advertising is also seeing quite a surge – Record number of Mobile ads are served month on month.

According to recent report released by Buzzcity, a leading mobile ad network, a total of 5.8 billion ads were served in India in first quarter of 2011 on their network. India reached its highest levels of traffic to date in March, with 2.4 billion ads served to 49.79 million unique users.

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Total Mobile Ad impressions served


Interestingly, even with such high advertiser participation, the ECPM bid rates still are relatively low at USD 0.03, which is a bargain!

Rural Mobile Advertising Traction

Rural India seems to be now matching Urban India when it comes to Mobile advertising growth – Large concentrations of users are forming in Uttar Pradesh (7%), Kerala (6%) and Punjab (5%) with growth also remaining strong in rural areas. The demand for mobile entertainment is expected to continue growing as more users in rural India turn to the mobile internet.

Mobile Advertising Demographics

Mobile advertising demographics

52 % of all users accessing mobile internet are between age 20- 24 years, of while 23% are between ages 25 – 29. This clearly shows than Gen Y uses Mobile internet & application much higher than any other demographics. And this crowd is male dominated with over 84% usage by them alone !

Top Mobile Handset Brands used in India


There are no surprises here – Nokia leads with more than half of all the traffic coming from their handsets. The surprising aspect is Samsung garnering more than 18% share which is significant, given the fact that likes of Micromax, Zen, Karbonn and other Indian brands are seeing significant traction in the market.

Mobile Consumer Channels


User activity on mobiles was centered on the cricket world cup in the first quarter; advertisers and developers took advantage of this and launched cricket-themed applications, games and marketing campaigns. Thus, Entertainment & Lifestyle (33%) channel attracted maximum traffic followed by general Mobile content (30%). Community services like chatting, messaging saw 21% market share.

  1. Vinayak Sable says

    good work.

  2. vivek says

    ooh dammn its increasing in evry field and near about on every network!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Altaf Rahman says

    I literally hate any ad on my mobile, be it a call or sms. For me these ads are unavoidable evil. People who regulate the sector should make guidelines to control this evil.

    I propose a solution which can atleast reduce the pain.
    When you want to open a mail ID on either yahoo or gmail or hotmail or any other portal after filling all data they require, before they activate the mail ID, they ask for your interests in sports, finance, movies, food, travel, and many otehr catagories. You get junk mail only for those catagories to which you have clicked.

    On similar lines, when a person buys a SIM, there should be a provision which asks the tastes of people. Only such ads should be allowed on those numbers.

    For example now I get calls when I am busy. When I take the call, the ads starts. The ads sell songdownloads, sell theater tickets, offer stock market tips, medical tips, real estate tips, travel plans and what not. If there is a provision of restricting ads based on a person’s taste, atleast we have reduced disturbance. Slowly when a person do not want any tips at all, they should be spared. Such provisions be made. If required, some premium can be charged for special SIMs which do not entertain any ads.

    I am sure some people may benifit from these ads. But I am one who dislike them.

    Just my two paisa :)

  4. Pradeep says

    Thats a great news and a big opportunity out there!!
    Who is at number two in handset??
    Guess Nokia, Samsun and Micromax??

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