An exciting update was recently shared by the Ministry of Railways on its official X account, featuring a video of the Bullet Train station under construction in Anand, Gujarat. The video provided a tour of the station, showcasing its interior and exterior features. The post was captioned, “Marching ahead with unwavering progress, the modern symphony of speed and advanced Rail infra takes shape at Anand #BulletTrain Station, Gujarat.”
Progress on Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project
Steady progress is being made on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project, which began in November 2021. In 2023, the Railway Minister announced that the first section, a 50 km stretch between Bilimora and Surat in Gujarat, is expected to be completed by August 2026. The full 508 km route will connect Mumbai to Ahmedabad, passing through ten stations: Thane, Virar, Boisar, Vapi, Bilimora, Surat, Bharuch, Vadodara, Anand, and Ahmedabad.
Marching ahead with unwavering progress, the modern symphony of speed and advanced Rail infra takes shape at Anand #BulletTrain Station, Gujarat
— Ministry of Railways (@RailMinIndia) January 5, 2025
With a maximum speed of 320 km/h, the bullet train will cut travel time between Mumbai and Ahmedabad to just 2 hours. Initially, 35 trains will operate, making 70 trips per day. By 2050, the Railways plans to increase the number of trains to 105, with an estimated 1.6 crore passengers annually once operations begin.
Funding Breakdown for Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project
The total estimated cost of the project is ₹1.08 lakh crore. Of this, the central government has committed ₹10,000 crores, while both Gujarat and Maharashtra will contribute ₹5,000 crore each. The remaining funding will be obtained through a low-interest loan from Japan, with an interest rate of just 0.1%