Surprise…Surprise ! Yahoo more popular than Google in Social Media !
Yahoo is more popular than Google when it comes to conversations in Social Media and Internet in general – Yes ! you heard me right, read on…
I wanted to find out how popular are the 3 biggies on the Internet – Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. I used Ubervu as a platform which tracks all the conversations on popular social Media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Digg and others.
To my surprise Yahoo was the most Popular amongst all 3 Internet giants. Although, Google and Yahoo are relatively closer Microsoft is nearly off-radar on these social Media Platforms.
Just to give you a perspective – In the Month of February Yahoo had total of 877,000 reactions, while Google had 633,000 reactions on popular social media platforms. Microsoft on the other hand had only 107,000 reactions !
Yahoo Vs Google Social Media Popularity
This was actually a huge surprise to me – Before, I carried out these comparisons, I had expected Google to be far ahead with Yahoo and Microsoft to be neck to neck.
Yahoo Vs Google (Various Social Media Platforms)
The following graphs depict an interesting distribution of reactions on various popular Social Media platforms:
On Twitter Yahoo garners 60% conversations as compared to Google’s 40% – Twitter incidentally has caters to 90% of all conversations tracked by UberVu. Surprising fact though is there is no mention of Facebook conversations anywhere (Which I think would have changed the scenario completely)
Another very surprising factor that UberVu’s findings give out are, Yahoo is very popular on Google’s own blogging platform Blogger (89% Yahoo Vs 11% Google), whereas on WordPress, Â Google is quite popular (Google’s 92% Vs Yahoo’s 8%).
I am not really sure what to make out of these analytics, but thought I should share it with readers for some interesting findings.
What do you think – Do people really talk about Yahoo so much, that too more than Google ?
I am really surprised after seeing this and it is quite obvious too as Yahoo buzz is in since a long time.