This State Promotes Class 9th & 11th Students Without Any Exam; But Class 10th, 12th Exam On Schedule?

All students of Class 9th and Class 11th from Maharashtra have been promoted to the next academic year, without any examination.
This decision was take by Maharashtra Govt due to rising cases of coronavirus.
Maharashtra Govt: No Exam For Class 9th, Class 11th Students
Maharashtra Govt has decided that for class 9th and class 12th students, there shall be no examinations, and they will be promoted to the next academic year by default.
This was announced by the School education minister Varsha Gaikwad via video message, wherein she said that very soon, the Govt will design an educational program, wherein these students will be taught based on the class 10th and 12th marks.
This move to postpone the examinations of class 9th and class 12th will greatly benefit millions of students, who could have faced the risk of coronavirus infections while giving the examination.
Please note that only those schools which are affiliated with the Maharashtra State Board will have this option of promoting class 9th and class 11th students, without examination.
But Class 10th, Class 12th Examinations On Schedule?
At the same time, it’s noteworthy that Maharashtra Govt hasn’t postponed the examination of class 10th and class 12th, which are scheduled from May 4th.
School education minister has said that she has received requests from several groups and communities to postpone the examinations of class 10th and class 12th or promote them without exams.
A high level meeting will take place shortly, and as per some reports, the class 10th and class 12th examination can be postponed to June.
We are still awaiting more reports.
Yesterday, more than 4 lakh tweets were shared on Twitter, demanding that the class 10th and class 12th examination be postponed due to rising cases of coronavirus.
CBSE class 10th and class 12th examination are also scheduled, and thousands of parents have asked CBSE board to postpone the exams.
We will keep you updated, as more details come in.
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