FIR Filed Against Another Click-Based Income Company; 2 Lakh People Duped Of Rs 500 Crore


The hidden scam of click advertising companies is slowly by gradually coming out. Latest in the series is another Noida-based company called Web Work Trade Link Private Limited, which has allegedly duped Rs 500 Crore from 2 lakh people.

The modus operandi of the scam is similar to Social Trade, which duped Rs 3700 crore from 7 lakh people: People are asked to invest anything between Rs 5000 to Rs 50,000 and then given links to click on. Rs 5-7 per click is promised, which is not only illegal but also unethical. Afterwards, users are encouraged to add more members under them, forming a typical Ponzi scheme aided by MLM structure.

A FIR has been filed against the promoters of this company in Noida, and action would be soon taken against them as a Special Task Force (STF) has been assigned the task.

UP-STF ASP Triveni Singh said, “Company directors Anurag Garg and Sudesh Varma offered membership to more than four lakh people. We have other such companies on our radar,”

The Click-Income Scam

This FIR has been filed by an individual named Amit Kishore Jain, who is the owner of an insurance company in Ghaziabad, and the complaint has been filed in Noida Sector 20, whereas the company Web Works is based out of Sector 63 in Noida.

As per the complaint, this scam of click-based income lured people by promising Rs 6 per click, and asked for ‘investing’ Rs 5750 to Rs 57500, depending on the number of clicks received per day.

Kishore said, “This company is fooling people using the modus operandi of click advertisement. I had invested Rs 1,72,500 using three IDs. Initially, they returned some money. But since January, I have received nothing. The company officials even asked me to open Bitcoin accounts, which are not legal in India. They then informed me that there will be no transaction in Indian currency, starting February 1”

Another investor claimed that he invested Rs 37,000 in this scam, and after receiving initial payments, his income stopped.

However, the company has refuted these charges. An employee from this company said, “They are not going anywhere. Anurag sir and Sandesh sir are busy sorting out the changes in the banking system. We had to shut down the company because we were receiving threats from some people. Sir has lodged a complaint in the Sector 20 police station about some men entering our office and breaking some items,”

As per an advertisement published in some newspapers, Web Works had said that they are shutting down operations till April 20th, due to some changes in the banking system.

Bollywood Celebrities Endorsed This Scam?

We have found two prominent Bollywood celebrities endorsing and advertising this scam.

Nawazuddin Siddiqui was seen promoting Web Works for ‘easy and assured’ money, while Shahrukh Khan is seen encouraging users to visit, which belongs to the group.

It is indeed shocking how wealthy celebrities like Shahrukh Khan too fell in the trap, and talented actors like Nawazuddin Siddiqui didn’t do any research prior to endorsing the brand.

Last year we had reported that Govt. has made it clear that celebrities would be responsible for the products they endorse, and they can be even arrested in case the products they endorse break any Indian law.

Web Works is clearly breaking several Indian laws, and the outcome of this case can be a case-study for all.

We will keep you updated as more details come in..

  1. nisha says

    “The company officials even asked me to open Bitcoin accounts, which are not legal in India.”

    Bitcoin isnt illegal in india, govt has just warned that those are not safe.

  2. Bezu says

    Please arrest rummycircle website owners also. They are the number one fraud.

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