Best Part Time MBA Programs in India


We have been regularly having top lists on this blog. Here is one more that has been requested by visitors quite frequently – The Top and Best Part Time MBA Executive programs in India.

This list gives readers the MBA / PGDBA programs for working professional who can complete it on part-time basis. These institutes are well known institutes and the part-time programs offered are of high quality and great value. It lists down courses from prestigious institutes only, which are recognized globally!

Note: This list is not  in any order.

Contents [hide]


IIM Bangalore

Course Name & Duration Advanced Management Programme
Approx Fee Not Available
Eligibility Graduate, Minimum 10 years experience
Selection Process CV and Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


IIM Bangalore

Course Name & Duration Advanced Financial Risk Management Program
Approx Fee 1.6 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate, Minimum 2 years experience
Selection Process CV and Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


IIM Calcutta

Course Name & Duration PGPX (Post Graduate Programme for Executives )1 Year
Approx Fee 8 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate, Minimum 5 years experience
Selection Process GMAT Scores
Res./ Non Residential Residential


IIM Lucknow

Course Name & Duration Post Graduate MBA Programme (Part Time) – 3 Years
Approx Fee 1.5 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate (50%), Minimum 2 years experience
Selection Process Written test, GD and interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential
Institute IIM Indore
Course Name & Duration Executive Post Graduate Programme (Part Time)18 Months
Approx Fee 4 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate, Minimum 5 years experience
Selection Process CAT/GMAT Scores and interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential / Residential



Course Name & Duration
MBA (Part-Time) 3 Years
Approx Fee Rs 10,000 p.a.
Eligibility Graduate, Minimum 3 years experience -Employer Sponsorship Required
Selection Process Written Test and interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential



Course Name & Duration
MBA (Health Care Administration: Part-Time) – 3 Years
Approx Fee Rs 10,000 p.a.
Eligibility MBBS or Minimum 5 years experience in Hospital Administration – Employer Sponsorship Required
Selection Process Written Test and interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


Jamanalal Bajaj Institute of Management studies (JBIMS)

Course Name & Duration Management Development Programmes “ Marketing, Finance, Operations, Personnel, Systems Management
Approx Fee Fee varies
Eligibility Graduate and work experience (for middle to senior level employees only)
Selection Process Test / interview or both
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential
Link Here


Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management studies (JBIMS)

Course Name & Duration MBA (Part-time) – 4 programmes with different specialization – 3 Years
Approx Fee 17000 per annum
Eligibility Graduate and Minimum 2 years experience
Selection Process Test , Group Discussion & interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential
Link Here


XLRI Jamshedpur

Course Name & Duration Graduate Management Programme 1 Year
Approx Fee 2.25 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate and Minimum 3 years experience
Selection Process XAT Test & interview
Res./ Non Residential Residential


XLRI Jamshedpur

Course Name & Duration Executive Post Graduate Programme 3 Years
Approx Fee 3.05 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate and Minimum 3 years experience
Selection Process XAT Test & interview
Res./ Non Residential Residential


XLRI Jamshedpur

Course Name & Duration Executive Fellowship Programme in Management  4 Years
Approx Fee 0.90 Lakh
Eligibility MBA, Managerial / Supervisory experience Minimum 3 years experience
Selection Process Personal Interview
Res./ Non Residential Residential / Non Residential


XLRI Jamshedpur

Course Name & Duration Satellite Programme in Management- 14 Months
Approx Fee 1.8 Lakh
Eligibility MBA, Managerial / Supervisory experience Minimum 3 years experience
Selection Process Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – IIFT

Course Name & Duration MBA(International Business) – 3 Years
Approx Fee 0.85 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate with 3 years experience (Company sponsorship or No Objection Certificate)
Selection Process Essay, GD and Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – IIFT

Course Name & Duration Executive Masters in International Business 18 Months
Approx Fee 1 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate with 5 years managerial experience or PG degree with 3 years managerial experience
Selection Process Essay, GD and Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – IIFT

Course Name & Duration Executive Masters in International Business (Via VSAT) 18 Months
Approx Fee 1.4 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate with 5 years managerial experience or PG degree with 3 years managerial experience
Selection Process Essay, GD and Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


Indian School of Business ISB Hyderabad

Course Name & Duration MBA 1 Year
Approx Fee 15 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate, Work experience desirable
Selection Process

GMAT Scores Plus Personal Interview

Res./ Non Residential Residential


Symbiosis Institute of Management

Course Name & Duration Executive MBA  2½ Years
Approx Fee Rs 45,000 P.A. and Rs. 75,000/-
Eligibility Graduate with 5 years experience
Selection Process Written Test and Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential


IIM Ahmedabad

Course Name & Duration Post Graduate Programme for Executives 1 Year
Approx Fee 10 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate, Minimum 27 years of age
Selection Process GMAT Scores
Res./ Non Residential Residential


IIM Bangalore

Course Name & Duration Executive General Management Programme Duration 7 to 8 Months
Approx Fee 1.8 Lakh
Eligibility Graduate, Minimum 5 years experience
Selection Process CV and Interview
Res./ Non Residential Non Residential

This post has been updated in July 2015

  1. webnet computer institute says

    do you have any IT-related courses? I am working as an IT professional courses trainer. Please inform me.
    Thank you

  2. webnet computer institute says

    I am running my computer institute in you have any IT-related courses? Please inform me.
    Thank you

  3. Great information for working candidates who want to increase their skills or qualification in Management.

  4. Ashok Sharma says

    Hii Its Ashok from Bangalore. I had Completed ma BE(EC). In the Middle I worked an Year as BDE. Now I would like to do MBA at IIM Bangalore. Suggest me the Better Course and Required Details. I wish to go fa HRM. Suggest me the course which has got better scope in the future….

  5. Priya says

    Its priya i done my graduation Bsc physics but i am having experience in F&A ( Finance & Accounting ) worked @ IBM ( Accounts Payable Domine ) SAP end user. Now doing SAP Consultant Can please suggect if i do MBA Finance in top institute means will get good growth? My no : 9840543233

  6. Himanshu says

    What about MBA(Part time) from IIPM.

  7. Sameer Labhane says

    I am B.E(mechanical) engineer from mumbai university.Wish to pursue a Part time mba could you please help me with the same.Have an experience of one year.My email id is

  8. Ashish says

    Dear Sir,
    We are looking for part time mba for our students. please tell us about good part time mba in and around nagpur
    thanking You

  9. chandu says

    Dear sir,,
    this is chandra sekhar i did my in 2011 from jntu in correspondence i want to do MBA-operations from a recognized university,can you give any suggestion to me which university is good to do MBA.i want MBA certification only not a PGDMA like.pls help me sir..

  10. lalit narayan mahto says

    Dear sir, i am student of b.tceh and i am now working in hero group as a electrical engineer with 3 year experience.and now i am intrested for, please tell me which course is more beneficial and which college is better for me……….

  11. HARI KISHORE says

    Hi everyone,

    (My educational Qualification – B.Tech -Civil / M.Tech -Structural Engg & Natural Disaster Management / Having 8.5 years of experience in Design of Steel Buildings for Power Plants)

    * Which Stream of MBA is good for me?

    * As i am doing job in UK Company – HARSCO Metals in Hyderabad, is it good to choose part time MBA (week end classes) in appropriate collage/ university in Hyderabad (or) Executive MBA from OTHER collages ?

    * If it is good to do part time MBA pls suggest a collage in Hyderabad, & stream of MBA course also?

    * How will be the opportunities for those who studied as part time /Executive MBA ? what will be the CTC offers for this ?

    * For doing Part time MBA / Executive MBA , whether i need to write any exams for getting seat in good collages where placements can be shown?

    * Pls suggest me the coaching centres in Hyderabad for preparing for that qualifying Exam, if at all required?

  12. mehtab hussain says

    i want mba finance distance learning . i am with 46% i can spent on 40000 for mba finance plz tell me good university which is provide distance learning like symbosis,icfai,annamalai,niims plz tell me about this my contact no.9058912107

  13. sapna gulrajani says

    Hi. I am a computer engineer having 1.5 years exp in TCS.I want to pursue MBA in HR so that I can build my career in HR field. Will Part time MBA help me?If yes then which colleges should be preferred? I am completely new to this.It would ne great if you help me.Thanks.

  14. Ankit Gupta says

    Hi, my name is Ankit Gupta & im a graduate in commerce.
    Currently working as an ASM with Nokia India Pvt.Ltd.
    I’ve been working for the past 9 years now & have been associated with brands like Cadbury’s & PepsiCo before.
    I’ve spent nearly 5 years in the middle management role & now am on a look out for a relevant management program that shall help me enter the senior management. for a relevant course with duration & fee structure.
    Ankit – 9922963665

  15. rupa says

    i hav 1.5 years of work experience as electrical engineer in state gov unit at Orissa could u please suggest a good part time mba.plz suggest if 3 yr part time mba is better than distance mba. plz suggest the name of the university frm where i cud do it.

  16. Sitara says

    Hi, I have 10 years of work experience and am interested in an executive MBA programme of 1 year with international recognition and placement services. Please advise

  17. deep pundir says

    yaar just now i completed my b-tech and waiting for final result and thoughting of doing mba so which is the best part time b-schools in india.and what is the difference between part time, correspondence, distance learning in respect with m.b.a

  18. Arijit Halder says

    which college z the best for correspondence mba?

  19. dishant says

    Hi my name is dishant and i did my graduation in B.B.A in 2010. Now i am doing diploma in banking and wanted to do M.B.A in finance so would you just guide me that for which institute or university shall i go for.

    Yours thankfully,
    dishant sabherwal.

  20. Arvind Jasani says

    I am B.E. (Electroncis) and have 12 years of exp in IT Industry as a Techno Commercial, based at Mumbai. I want to do a Part time / correspondence / distance learning MBA for my career hike. I think so I should be doing MBA in IT or MBA in Systems or General Management. My limitations are that I cant attend lectures and I want to finish in one year only. Can anyone please recommend good universities or colleges? The purpose of doing MBA is mainly for the better job prospects. Thanks.

  21. Joy Sengupta says

    I’ve done 2 yrs regular M.Sc in Life Science & got approx 3 years work experience from Govt. Research Institute & Govt. Organisation as a contractual employee. Now I want to do a MBA from any good Institute in Distance. Kindly suggest me the Institute details & course Details for the MBA in distance.Kindly tell me also the difference between Part time & Distance MBA & which one is the better way to complete the MBA while doing a job.

    Reply Please.


  22. anu says

    i hv finished ma in 2010. and im plannin to join in vit business the mean time i wanted to gain some knowledge about the iim international business course which is actually a certificate program for 1 year.its costing me aroung 1 lakh… is it worth joining??? being an executive program will that certificate hold value???? n my dates r too close to make the decision.. please help me out

  23. Kailash says


    Pls go for Symbiosis for Part time MBA. Is there any better institute then mail me the details. I havr 4yrs of rich experience in IT…
    Email ID

  24. Rahman says

    I am a graduate and have 7yrs of work experience. I want to do MBA, so like to take CAT. Please suggest me the best coaching centers for CAT in Bangalore.

  25. meghna says

    Indian Management School & Research Centre (IMSR) is fully geared up to offer professional education in distance learning mode with the back-up of e-learning software.
    It offers Online MBA with various specialization options, Executive MBA, etc.

    Visit or Call on 9833317733/9819120140.

  26. abhishek says

    now i m studying B B A from ICFAI distance education .it is one of the rubbiest b school in india. i will suggest you all guies don,t ever try to join this..u all

  27. Robin says

    TASMAC, offer part time and full time MBA from Wales University UK, TASMAC a premier BSchool with Excellent Tutors & Global Exposure! If you want to know details you can reach me on my cell: Robin 9686329292/ Direct: 080-25731116

    1. Glowed says

      Hi I heard that, TASMAC offer mba for full time working professional, if it is possible please tell me how i will get the prospectus from Wales University

  28. neelima singh says

    hi, i want to know that which is the best college for distance learning MBA. Is the sikkim manipal university, good? what is the reputation of SMU. PLZZZZZZZZZZZ TELL. PLZZZZZ HELP ME

  29. sonu kumar says

    may i know study centre of sikkim manipal univercity distance learning centre.where i can join mba

  30. pg says

    i am bcom, mcom , 13 years of work experience, now i have taken break from my job for some personal reasons. i want to pursue mba- distance learning, suggest some good options. i dont want to go for part time mba as i have kids also


  31. krushna chandra mohanty says

    Myself krushna chandra mohanty ,working with NCMSL in Mumbai,having 8 yeasrs experience in Accounting & Audit feild. I have completed my graduation in 1998 .I am now interested about part time MBA and for that puepose I need some information regarding suitable Institute with Location,suitable specialization,course fee,duration of course etc.I’ll wait for ur information nd I’ll be thankfull to u if u kindly send me the details

    1. sachin says

      Hi Ganesh… One of the best institute I would prefer for part time would be ITM (Institute of Technology and Management)… For more details your can visit their website at … The course details are provided..

  32. Ganesh says

    i want to do part time Mba and i hav little confusion regarding part time Mba and correspondence or Distance Mba.How do they differ each other and which has more value.Can u please clarify me in this aspect and please let me know which colleges are good for part time Mba and In which field also…..

  33. sudeep pachaquri says

    i m sudeep pachauri. i am doing job in greater noida in hvac field. i have done diploma in electrical engineering in i m doning electrical(distance learning)from jrn rajasthan vidhyapeeth university,udaipur.this is my final year.
    i want to do mba(part time) from any top class institute.but some institute require minimum 2 year working experience after graduate. so i want to know that may i show my 3 year experience after diploma and may i get adimission direct after and plz tell me about the top mba colleges and universities(part time).

  34. salman rizvi says

    i did my graduation this year(2009) want to pursue part time MBA from the best b-school. so plz…… suggest me some of them. i am residing in delhi right now

  35. Rahul Jain says

    Hi everyone,
    I am Rahul Jain,a student of WLC Business School,Delhi.I think this is a much better Business School compared to other Business School in India.and to top that till now it has achieved 60% placements even in this current scenario.its placements are better than compared to another Business School.

  36. amit kumar says

    i am amit kumar working as a Probationary Officer in State Bank of India sice Nov 08. i hav 8 yrs experinced of working in Indian Air Force as a Air Defence System Operator. i hav done my gaduation from IGNOU in 2006 with 61 % . now i want to do MBA in Financial Sector in good recogised institute.

  37. Shilpa says

    I want to do MBA in finance through distance learning mode from soem good university. I have 3.5 yrs of experiance. But i have only 44 % aggregate iin graduation. Am i eligible for doing MBA in any good university in distance mode?

  38. vipin says

    Sir,i m vipin Mokadam. I have done my BE in power eng. presently i am working in reliance Noida.I am having 3 years on work ex. my year of graduation is 2006. I want to persue part time MBA. please suggest some courses which will bw benefial to me in terms of career growth.

  39. vivek bhardwaj says

    sir i have done (2005-2009) resently and joining date of my software job in accenture is jan 2010.cant go for regular mba want to do job . plz suggest some correspondence mba for hr and finance…which are worth doining and will give benefit in becoming manager in same company…..plz so reply

  40. vineet jain says

    sir, i jst completed my engg. and i want to do my mba through distance learning as i m doing a job .. so sir, please give me the information which i can opt for.right now i am not having any exp.

  41. anshuman says

    I want to know about the christ part time mba program,,,,,

  42. deepeshshrinath says

    In all you are having how many years of exp…………..
    Provide me the details i will help you in choosing the program

  43. deepeshshrinath says

    provide me with your mail address……………..i will give you full details

    1. abhishek bansal says

      hi i m abhishek i complete my graguate in n take admission in i want to do better corresponce mba which will help me to my future, plz help me from which i do correspondence mba.. i have no experience.. plz advice me..

    2. Rohan Mahajan says

      Dear,I have completed my BCA in the 2009-2010.Recently i have opted a job in IT Organisation as an Assistant Manager.Now i am looking forward to pursue a Part Time MBA course.I am Confused between Symbiosis and ICFAI.Please suggest me the better option considering all factors.Also provide me the details regarding the Elibility and Selection Process for correspondence MBA through JBIMS(Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies.).
      Waiting For a Prompt revert

      With Best Regards
      ROHAN M

  44. deepeshshrinath says

    you can provide me your email address, i will mail you the details regarding mba

  45. durganandyadav says

    i am durga nand, i am parsuring PGDM ( equivalent to mba) from xavier institute- XIDAS. but i have to do phd , so i want to do MBA ( part time) from any reputed institute in india. so suggest me which institute is better for me.

    1. Radhika says

      Hi !
      I am also interested in doing phd in HR , but I’m a little doubtful if MBA (distance learning) can b eligible for a phd.

  46. akansha srivastava says

    I am a BBA graduate.i am working with a automobil company. I am looking forward to do (mba) management course.
    (distance learning)

    let me know whats the best


    Dear friends,

    I am M.Com from CU, working at Axis Bank (1 year) as an Executive in Branch Operations, looking for an Executive MBA or a Part time MBA progrm. Can anyone suggest me the best option.

    Waitin for ur rply.

    1. manas says

      ICFAI will be the best option for you,provided you do a lot of hardwork as the course is tough.

  48. Leena says


    I am a BBA graduate. Started my carrer with BPO’s now i am working with a marketing firm as a manager allianes and corporate sales. I am looking forward to do one year management course.

    let me know whats the best

  49. shanky says

    I am BCA-2008 graduate looking for executive. Or part time MBA or PGDBM from pune based center with AICTE/UGC recognized
    I do have 6 month work experience in IT.

    I will be thankful, pls send me details.

  50. amit kumar says

    Myself Amit kumar,working intel a BPO sector as a customer executive in chandigarh.having 8 month.My age is still 22years. I have completed my in 2005 and in 2007with 60% and 59% respectively.I am now interested about part time MBA and for that puepose I need some information regarding suitable Institute with Location,suitable specialization,course fee,duration of course etc.I’ll wait for ur information nd I’ll be thankfull to u if u kindly send me the details

    Please tell me that what will be better for me icfai or symbosis or any other institute . i can spend only rs. 25000-30000 only . i shall be thankful to for this .pls

    1. Manas says

      ICFAI is definetly the best as it is top ranked university in India,and offering MBA in 10 speciality,it’s course content is best and recognised all over the world.

  51. Naveen bhagal says

    Myself naveen bhagal,working intel a BPO sector as a customer executive in mohalii,having 8 month.My age is still 22years. I have completed my in 2006 and in 2008 with 58% and 59% respectively.I am now interested about part time MBA and for that puepose I need some information regarding suitable Institute with Location,suitable specialization,course fee,duration of course etc.I’ll wait for ur information nd I’ll be thankfull to u if u kindly send me the details

  52. hari says


    Part time MBA’s are offered by ICFAI,SYMBIOSIS,IIM Bangalore,ALLIANCE,CHRIST UNIVERSITY…In Alliance the course Fees is 90,000 and its 1 year including 3 classes a week.For ICFAI and SYMBIOSIS u can opt for with class or without class.But the degree offered by SYMBIOSIS is diploma in MBA,but the one offered by ICFAI is pure MBA certificate equivalent to Full time MBA.For doing a part time MBA in IIM u need to have min 7 years exp…Think i have provided information u want…U can choose out from here….

    1. rajesh dubey says

      But now ICFAI is declared illegal by High Court of Madras, therefore, it is better to choose other legal institute like Symbosis etc. Avoid ICFAI.

    2. Pooja says

      ICFAI do provide MBA certificate equivalent to Full time MBA,however as we will be doing part time MBA,per some of my wellwishers Symbiosis is better.Im confused between these two universities.Plz do provide some more info.

    3. Hanumanthappa S says

      I am Hanumanthappa S working in manufactureing industries from past 7 years.I am intrsting to MBA in operartions.Please send details

  53. Pintu Santra says

    Myself Pintu Santra,working BSES Power Ltd. in Delhi,having 2 yeasrs experience in Electrical field. I have completed my B-Tech degree im 2006 havng 76.4% marks in Electrical Engineering.I am now interested about part time MBA and for that puepose I need some information regarding suitable Institute with Location,suitable specialization,course fee,duration of course etc.I’ll wait for ur information nd I’ll be thankfull to u if u kindly send me the details.

    1. Shailesh says

      The MBA Program offered by the ICFAI University, Prepares men and women with the skills, knowledge and strategic perspectives essential to the leadership of business anywhere in the world.

      The MBA Program is designed to provide both a portfolio of strong functional skills and the ability to apply, adapt and integrate those skills into different management settings. While the curriculum provides a rigorous grounding in traditional disciplines, the educational process, with its emphasis on new strategy and managerial skills, develops the skills for problem solving, decision-making, and leadership of complex organizations.

      To get a free copy of the MBA prospectus please call me on – 09323490140.

      1. vijay says

        vijay is here.. i am ganga singh university) final year student nd ca final student. i m doing intenship nd want to hav a master degre also,so plz suggest me which university shuld i opt for correspondence MBA….

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