The newly developed Vande Bharat sleeper coach train began its testing in the Kota Railway Division, following directives from Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav. Starting December 31, the train underwent trials on the Delhi-Mumbai railway track, spanning sections from Nagda to Sawai Madhopur and Kota.
Testing Procedure and Speeds Achieved
During the trials, various factors such as braking efficiency, air suspension, and coupler force were evaluated. Initial tests started at 130 km/h and were progressively increased to 140, 150, and 160 km/h by January 1. The train achieved speeds of up to 180 km/h on January 4 over a 40 km stretch between Kota and Laban, simulating operational conditions with weight-equivalent passengers.
Track Conditions and Safety Parameters
The trials cover diverse track standards, including straight and curved sections. These evaluations ensure the sleeper coach’s adaptability to different railway conditions, vital for operational safety and efficiency.
Role of Experts in the Trial Process
Saurabh Jain, Senior Divisional Commercial Manager of the Kota Railway Division, stated that the trials are conducted by the Operations Department in collaboration with experts from the Research Design and Standards Organisation (RDSO) based in Lucknow. Movement Inspector Sushil Jethani and Loco Inspector RN Meena are leading the coordinated testing efforts.
Expected Duration and Final Report
The trials are set to continue for a month, after which a comprehensive report will be submitted to the Ministry of Railways and the Railway Board. This report will be instrumental in determining the train’s readiness for full-scale operation, ensuring both safety and performance in varied conditions.
The Vande Bharat sleeper coach trials signify a major step toward enhancing India’s rail infrastructure. With its rigorous testing, the train promises improved safety and efficiency, paving the way for modernized sleeper train travel in the country.