Mumbai’s roads are in terrible condition, and commuters are experiencing significant delays and inconvenience due to ongoing roadwork and excavations.

Uber has started a program called “Missed Flight Connection Cover” to assist passengers who are impacted by delays. If a rider misses their flight because of traffic, they can receive up to ₹7,500 in compensation.
Uber Starts “Missed Flight Connection Cover” Program For Passengers Impacted By Delay
In the event of an accident during the ride, OPD and medical costs are also covered.
After drivers expressed reluctance to accept airport rides because of frequent delays, Uber launched this insurance plan in late February in collaboration with Reliance General Insurance.
In order to avoid more chaos, BMC has temporarily stopped new excavation projects and is currently working on 701 km of roads.
According to Uber’s statement to Hindustan Times, the insurance coverage is only available for rides scheduled to the airport and costs ₹3 per ride.
In order to receive reimbursement, travelers need to provide:
- A claim form that has been signed
- Ride information and the booking reference number
- A duplicate of the airline ticket
- Confirmation from the airline of missing the flight
- Evidence of the updated flight reservation
- A check that has been crossed for a NEFT transfer
Insurance Claims Will Require Reasonable Bookings and Travel Times
According to an Uber official, insurance claims require reasonable booking and travel times, and the estimated travel time (ETA) to the airport is between 90 and 120 minutes.
Aggregator cab drivers have expressed concern about passengers verbally abusing them and accusing them of being responsible for delays brought on by traffic jams and road construction.
“While drivers keep their eyes on the clock, every time the Uber app shows 2-3 minutes to the destination, it extends to 8-10 minutes due to roadwork,” noted Anand Kute, organizing secretary of the Maharashtra Rajya Rashtriya Kamgar Sangh (MRRKS). Additionally, drivers are reluctant to accept rides because of the longer wait times at the airport.
On Tuesday, aggregator taxi drivers protested low fares and bad road conditions that have decreased their earnings by staging a flash strike at the Mumbai airport.
R. Jadhav, a protesting cab driver, stated, “Drivers are tired of the low fares they receive from operators, which charge 25-30% as commission. We are already suffering from poor road conditions, so we decided not to ply between 5 pm and 9 pm at the airport.”