Tata Electronics announced its acquisition of a controlling 60% stake in Pegatron Technology India Private Limited, marking a major milestone in India’s electronics manufacturing sector. The move follows Tata’s earlier acquisition of Wistron’s iPhone facility in Karnataka and aligns with its strategy to expand its manufacturing footprint in the country.
Production Value and Workforce Impact
The acquisition elevates Tata Electronics’ combined production value share to 44%, up from 26%, reducing Foxconn’s lead, which currently accounts for 56% of India’s iPhone production value. Pegatron’s workforce of 17,000 employees will join Tata Electronics, bringing its total workforce to 48,000.
eIn 2024, Tata Electronics contributed 29% of India’s total iPhone exports. With Pegatron’s additional 19% share, Tata’s export contribution is expected to rise to 48%.
CEO’s Vision for the Future
Randhir Thakur, CEO of Tata Electronics, stated:
“The acquisition of a majority stake in Pegatron Technology India Private Limited fits into Tata Electronics’ strategy of growing our manufacturing footprint. We look forward to a new era of AI, digital, and technology-led manufacturing as we bring up these new facilities and expand our operations in India.”
Accelerating Production and New Investments
Experts note that Pegatron had slowed production during acquisition negotiations. With the deal finalized, production is expected to accelerate, potentially equaling the iPhone production values of Tata Electronics and Foxconn.
In addition, Tata Electronics is investing in a new iPhone plant in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, set to begin production later this year. Foxconn has also announced a $2 billion investment to reinforce its manufacturing capabilities in India.
A Boost for India’s Electronics Sector
This acquisition marks a significant step forward for Tata Electronics and India’s electronics manufacturing industry, strengthening the country’s position as a key player in the global iPhone supply chain.